Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Overseer's Insight: September 2013

Dear Saints,
Washington State Convention
I must say, from within the depths of my soul, I am still experiencing the excitement of State Convention!  What a tremendous time, from beginning to ending!  Our International Office Representative, Sister Kathy Creasy, was a real blessing during her Friday evening message in which she highlighted the importance of our children.  On Saturday, she taught a class to the pastors and church leaders on how to evaluate their Children’s Ministry Program in their local church.  She hit on some of the main components of having an effective program, including dependence on God, maintaining a ministry priority, and having a determination to keep forging on.  Sister Creasy stressed the importance of identifying those gifted and called to children’s ministry, as well as the importance of commitment to development and future expectations.
Our Convention Theme was “Anointed For Service.”  In my Annual Address, I discussed “What” Anointing means, “Why” we should be anointed, and “How” we should be anointed.  I also had a section that stressed the importance of “Supporting our State Events” and a section on “Our Children – An Heritage Unto the Lord.”  These sections will be shared in future issues of the Lamplighter.
The worship during our State Convention, was phenomenal!  Sister Pam Murkerson and the worship team did an outstanding job!  Both Spanish and English worship teams from the churches led all of us into a Spirit of Worship.  On Saturday evening, Sister Shelly Symonds presented a message during the Youth Program that was both challenging and inspiring.  She brought out the point that just because you don’t experience a demonstrative call from God, does not mean that you cannot still do His will.  In fact, it is when we are obedient to His will, that we become cognizant of our callings.  Great job, Sister Shelly!
On Sunday morning, we had a tremendous Healing and Deliverance service.  Bishop Frank Smith presented a message on being, “Healed, Delivered, and Anointed for Service.”  My, how the power fell during the Healing Line!  On that Sunday morning, there were 3 saved, and 7 filled with the Spirit, as well as numerous healings and deliverances!  To God be the Glory! 
There was record-breaking attendance at our State Convention.  The Red Lion in Columbia Center accommodated our people well.  From the first service on Friday evening, more chairs had to be brought out to accommodate the people.  This year was historic in that it was the first year that the total Convention was translated live on the platform from English to Spanish (or Spanish to English).  The translators did a thorough and anointed job.  They certainly added to the success of the Convention.
This year there were some changes among State Workers and Pastors.  First of all, we want to say a big thank you for the many years of service and dedication to Sister Sherry Johnson for her work in State Women’s Ministries, and to Sister Shelly Symonds for her work in State Youth Ministries.  Thanks also goes to Bob and Donella Gaines for several years of working as Youth Camp Coordinators.  This year, Brother and Sister Allaway, retired from pastoring.  However, they want to make it clear that they are not retiring from ministry.
Our new State Women’s Ministry Director is Sister Patty Lord.  Our new State Youth Ministry Directors and Youth Camp/Teen Retreat Directors are Brother Joe and Sister Celina Gonzalez.  Paul and Shelly Symonds were appointed as the new Youth Camp Coordinators.  Filling the Bremerton pastorate is Brother Tim Moon.  Please join me in welcoming and praying for these new leaders in their respective areas of ministry.  We feel that we are going to have an exceptional year in winning the lost for Jesus!
Family Camp
If you attended State Convention you heard that our very first Family Camp is slated for September 20-22, 2013 at our own Campground, Camp Roganunda.  Directors, Bill and Cindy Davison are excited about this Camp.  Families will be able to be together in their own cabins and activities are planned for all of the family to participate in.  You and your family will not want to miss this important historic event!  I am told that the cost per person is only $35.00 and children under 5 will not be charged.  This is a special price for this year, so please take advantage of it.  For more information, please contact donellag@hotmail.com or call Brother and Sister Gaines at (509) 658-1013.  Looking forward to seeing you there! 
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
This October 24-27th, 2013 at the Kirkland Church, we will be offering the course, “The Educational Ministry of the Church” as taught by Dr. Escobar from the Seminary.  If you are interested in this course and in becoming a student and earning a Master’s Degree in Religion, please contact, Dr. Don Knoblich at dknoblich@aol.com
Washington State COGOP Events Calendar for 2013
September 12-15             Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Boise, ID                                            
                                            (Church Administration - Dr. Rodriguez)
September 13-15             Alaska State Convention – Anchorage
September  20-22            Family Camp – Camp Roganunda (Bill & Cindy Davison, Directors)

October                             Clergy Appreciation Month
Oct. 24-27                         Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
                                            (The Educational Ministry of the Church - Dr. Escobar)

November 1-3                   Pastor's Wives Retreat – Port Angeles, WA

"Anointed For Service"
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

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