Monday, August 5, 2013

Overseer's Insight: August 2013

Dear Saints,
During the month of July we finalized our four Youth Camps.  From the young people that attended, we had a total of 11 Saved, 24 Sanctified, 13 Filled with the Spirit, and 71 Water Baptized!  To God be the Glory for these experiences!  I had an opportunity to attend the Camps, and the comments I heard from many were, that “these Camps were some of the best ever.”  Everyone seemed to enjoy the heated out-door pool.  It was a real treat on some of the warmer days.  Thank you very much to our dedicated Camp Directors, Shelly Symonds, Robert and Pam Murkerson, Ramon and Icela Maldonado, Bill and Cindy Davison, and Camp Coordinators, Bob and Donella Gaines.  These hard-working individuals along with all of the supporting Staff at each Camp did a terrific job.  Now is the time to begin to make plans for next year’s Camps.  Your Youth will  not be disappointed!
We are blessed to have a new Camp Website.  Some of the Camp Pictures are posted there.  Please visit:
I am so excited about State Convention this year.  It will be here in just a few weeks!  I believe that the Lord has some very special things in store for all that attend.  As mentioned previously, We are pleased to announce that Sister Kathy Creasy, International Children’s Ministries Director, will be our special guest speaker from the International Offices! You and your friends and family will definitely be blessed by her ministry.  Sister Creasy will be having a special session for Children’s Workers on Saturday, so please make sure that all Children’s and Youth workers attend. 
I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and make reservations.  Though the cut-off date for the Room Block was July 29th, if they have rooms, they may still honor the special rate of $86.95.  To make a reservation, call the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of God of Prophecy.  You can also make on-line Reservations through the internet at the Red Lion website
Please spread the word that this year, all of our main messages will be translated in Spanish live from the platform.  We want all of our Spanish-speaking brothers and sisters to share in the blessing of being at State Convention.  What a great time of fellowship we will have! Sister Knoblich and I are looking forward to seeing you there!!
Events Calendar for 2013
August 23-25              Washington State Convention - Kennewick (Red Lion Hotel)
                                    Special Speaker:  Sister Kathy Creasy
Sept. 12-15                  Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Boise, ID (Church Administration
Sept. 13-15                  Alaska State Convention – Anchorage
Sept. 20-22                  Family Camp – Camp Roganunda (Bill & Cindy Davison, Directors)
Oct. 24-27                   Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Kirkland (Educational Ministry of the Church)
Nov. 1-3                      Pastor’s Wives Retreat – Port Angeles area

"Designed For God's Greatness"
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich


Together We Can Do Great Things! ATTEND STATE CONVENTION!!!

During the days of King David there “came a time for kings to go to war”.

The Generals and the men of the Israelite army were sent; they gathered and prepared for battle.  They won a great victory that season defeating their enemies and enlarging and securing their territory.  But, the account tells us, “King David remained in Jerusalem”, he stayed home!  (2 Samuel 11)

For whatever reason our once mighty King David has taken on a “let someone else do it” mentality. – Really!

We all know how the infamous ‘rest of the story goes.’  There has been a great deal of speculation as to why David stayed home; Matthew Henry says He was in a season of neglectfulness, he loved his time of ease, and self-indulgence played a part.  He mentions David used to pray three times a day but now was okay with dozing away the afternoon in idleness.
Soon it will be a time for our Washington COGOP to come together.  Make no mistake we have battles for which to prepare.  We depend on each other to join forces and strengthen each other.  The theme “Anointed for Service” is for each and every one of us. In telling of the above battle 2 Chronicles 20:1 says that Joab went forth with “the power of the army.”    It took the whole body of it to secure such a thorough victory.  YOU are a valued and vital part of the body of Christ, a member of a powerful army of believers whose time it is to come together to add to our war chest. YOU are anointed for service.  I assure you that this is not the season to “stay at home”.  Please plan now to attend the 74th Annual Convention August 23 -25 at the Red Lion Hotel, Kennewick, WA; reservation line at the Red Lion is 509-783-0611.  We’re all looking forward to seeing you there!
Carol Dillard
Stewardship Ministries Director

Ushers Needed for State Convention

Dear Pastors, Head Ushers and State Leaders,
Greetings in the name of the Lord and Savior.  Our Annual State Convention is coming up very soon and I am expecting a great time of blessings in the Spirit of the Lord.  It gives me great pleasure to visit and fellowship with all my brothers and sisters in Christ during this annual event.
This year as in years past, I am going to need assistance from all the churches to help with ushering during the convention. I want to take this time to thank those churches and individuals who have provided assistance in the past.  Although many have volunteered so faithfully in the past, at times there has been a shortage of help. It would be so helpful, and very much appreciated if each church could assign at least one individual from their congregation to serve as an usher or usherette for this year’s convention. I will be conducting an ushers’ meeting on Friday at 6 pm in the lobby at the convention room entrance. The purpose of this meeting will be to assign individuals to tasks and sessions. Please encourage your assigned usher or usherette to attend this meeting. The dress code for ushers or usherettes is dress shirts, dress slacks or dress.  PLEASE, NO JEANS OR T-SHIRTS.
State Leaders, please provide me with any hand-outs or other desired materials in advance.  By doing so, you will be equipping me and the ushering team with the ability to make your part on program flow smoothly. Thanks for your consideration and assistance. Looking forward to many blessings! See you soon!
Pak Keung Wong
Convention Head Usher
Phone: 425-232-1981 or 509-396-7590