Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Overseer's Insight March 2011

The month of February began with Adult Retreat. My, how the Lord did bless at Retreat! We were privileged to have as our special speakers, Cathy and John Payne from the International Offices. Our Retreat Theme was: “Driven By The Spirit.” Truly, that is what we all endeavor to do, i.e., to be completely led by the Spirit of the Lord. And without doubt, Sister Payne was directed by the Spirit to minister to us. Our worship at Adult Retreat was heavenly, thanks to Sister Shirley Smith and the Horizon Church musicians. We are indeed thankful for our many dedicated workers that helped out at Retreat. Each and every one are a blessing.

On Sunday, the last day of Retreat, Sister Knoblich and myself received news that my mom, Ernestine Knoblich, was not doing well in the hospital. We left Retreat early to be with her. The family was called in since we knew the time was short. She passed away on Tuesday morning. We had the funeral/Celebration service for her on that coming Saturday. Though we miss Mom, we know she is rejoicing in heaven. Sister Knoblich and myself want to say thank you to all of our church family for your many expressions of love and support. It is so heart-warming to see our whole kitchen table covered with cards, cards that share your sympathy and condolences. Again, thank you Church family for your prayerful support.

As of the writing of this newsletter, ‘Youth Harvest Training’ will be in full swing in Washougal at the New Horizons Church. We are expecting an anointed time of teaching and preaching. Our pastors and youth leaders will benefit greatly from this training session.

District Conventions
During February, we had District Conventions, in Tacoma and Washougal. The Lord anointed and used our District Overseers, Bishop Rick Bear and Bishop Frank Smith to minister the Word. Brother Bear’s message compared Alexander the Great and Jesus Christ. We learned that there really is no comparison at all. It caused one to think of just how great and awesome is our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pastor Smith preached on the importance of reaching into the Harvest, the importance of being directed by the Spirit, and the importance of Biblical stewardship. The Lord moved in a special way in both Conventions.
The month of March will usher in two more District Conventions, in Kirkland and in Kennewick. The dates are March 12 and March 19 respectively. Please come and support your local District Convention. District Convention is a great place for worship, instruction, and fellowship. We look forward to seeing you there.

The School of Practical and Advanced Studies is scheduled for three days, March 24-26, 2011 in Portland, Oregon. As you recall, in November of 2009 we had SOPAS I in our Region. SOPAS II will be offered this time, again with an emphasis on Leadership Development, Ecclesial Identity, and an Introduction to Hermeneutics and Homiletics. It will not be necessary to have taken SOPAS I to take SOPAS II. Dr. Wallace Pratt and myself are excited to announce that, SOPAS II will be offered in both English and Spanish. So, spread the word!
(Note: There are No Tests, for those who may be apprehensive about attending.)
(For students completing the reading assignments, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded. The reading assignment is “Foundations For Facing Forward: Holiness” by General Overseer, Bishop Randall Howard)
This is a Must School for Pastors, Ministers, and Aspiring Church Leadership.
I strongly encourage all to attend. It will be worth it!
Information regarding the tuition and lodging has been sent out to the pastors, so be sure to mark this time on your calendars.

Excerpts From State Overseer’s Annual Address
During the month of January we looked at our “Mission” or “Ministry” in reaching the people. This month we will expand upon our mandate of reaching people through having a clearer understanding of the theology behind “Shalom.” Please read:

***Your Gospel (The Great Commission) gets larger when you understand “Shalom” in all its ramifications. Jesus was an agent of Shalom, and He is sending us to be His Agents of Peace.
How you go about to seek the Shalom for the city has much wider implications than just praying for “Peace.”
It means getting out and ministering to the poor, the disenfranchised, the marginalized, in our communities. It means bringing them groceries, helping them find adequate housing, making sure they have access to adequate health facilities. It means providing them transportation when necessary. It means fighting against crime and darkness in the City.

***You see Church, when you have a “Presence” in your Communities, when you become the Shining Light that is set on a Hill, that is how you push out darkness!

***You, Church, are the Light to show them THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!!!
If we don’t push out darkness and take our Nation and Cities back, no one else will!
I am not saying that your Church is to be a Welfare State to the poor, but we are to seek justice for them. Charity creates dependence on others, a type of “welfare dance.” That’s not what we are looking to do.

2. The Ambulance Analogy.
Often, we as churches get stuck in “Ambulance Mode” when people drive off the cliff. Being in Ambulance Mode is fine and good, but we would accomplish a whole lot more by getting a protective barrier built in preventing people from going over the cliff! This means we may need to confront the mayor and the city council to get this barrier put up. That is what it means to Seek for the Shalom of the City.
***What can you do in your communities and cities, besides offering groceries?
You can influence legislation that will change health standards in the poor areas or that will target areas of crime or help to provide more educational assistance.
You can influence legislation that will help to influence better living conditions in the poor sides of town.

***Remember, if you allow Oppression, one day it will come back on you! Don’t put your head in the sand and pretend these conditions don’t exist. If you allow Hitler (Anti-Christ) to move in, it will bite you soon.
We as the Church must be CONSCIENTIOUS of our Responsibility to Society!!! Otherwise who will?!
Where Sin has overtaken our communities and cities, that’s where we should be. Our job is to go to a broken people.

*The Geography of the Gospel should coincide with the Geography of Evil.
Jesus reached the Poor, had compassion on the poor, and so should we! The Poor are the Salvation of the Church. Why? Because God blesses you by your service to the Poor!

3. ***And the amazing thing about it, when you go after this Peace in the City, when you pursue it, you will discover peace for yourself!
As you give Peace out, you will find it. It’s kind of one of those things, when you sow it, you will reap it.
Amazingly, when Babylon finds her Peace, then the People of God will have Peace. (See Jer. 29:7) When Babylon is Healthy, then the Church truly finds her Best Health.
***Some people cannot find the totality of peace that God wants for their lives, because they have not followed through on what God has called them to do in the city, in their communities. God has called them to go into the city to seek the peace of the city.
(Next month we will look at the Importance of Prayer in Reaching our Cities.)

Events Calendar for 2011
March 12 District Convention - Kirkland (Roger Jones, District Overseer)
March 19 District Convention - Tri-Cities (Franklin Smith, District Overseer)
March 24-26 School of Practical and Advanced Studies (SOPAS II) - Portland, OR

April 8-10 State Ladies Retreat - (Vancouver Red Lion) (Sherry Johnson, Director)
April 15-16 Youth Convention - Kirkland (Shelly Symonds, Director)
April 29-May 1 State Men’s Retreat - White Pass (Franklin Smith, Director)

May 6-7 Camp Focus/Workday - (Millersylvania) (Bob & Donella Gaines, Coordinators)
May 13-15 Senior Retreat - Washougal (James Cabales, Director)

June 2-5 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
(Theology I- Dr. Hector Ortiz)

August 19-21 Washington State Convention - Columbia Center Red Lion - Kennewick

“Seek Ye The Peace Of The City”
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

March - The Month of Missionary Focus

The economic outlook is gloomy at best.  Our country’s budget is in a state of hyper inflation and incredible unbalance while the politicians admit they have no answers.
 In every challenge there is an opportunity for growth.  In light of our current economic condition let’s look at a few things we might do to demonstrate to our children, our neighbors, and each other that our economics system is not based on printed paper, backed by thin air, but it is based on the tried and timeless promises of provision of our heavenly Father.

Meditate for a moment on the lives of those who have chosen to respond to God’s call, those who have dedicated their lives to responding to the need He has called them to fill.  Think about their concern that their source of support is jeopardized by our disastrous economic condition.  This is our opportunity to let God’s provision for them flow through us.  This is an opportunity to be a vessel of blessing and use this unique time in God’s plan to participate in whatever missionary work the Lord lays on your heart.  If you have not chosen an avenue for giving before now, perhaps this is your chance to begin a flow of blessing from either your excess or in your need.  There may be those among us who have generously supported various causes who are now unable and some generous souls have gone on to be with the Lord.  It is time to examine how the Lord would have you to give.  There is someone praying, "Lord, we trust in you to fill our need." His way to fill that need is through our obedience.

If you have had no interest in missionary support in the past remember that “where your treasure is there your heart will be also.” Mat 6:21   I challenge you to generously give in the area that the Lord lays on your heart or follow the suggestions of your pastor and watch your interest in that endeavor grow; you might even find yourself praying for your chosen cause and that would be the beginning of another flow of blessing to both your prayer focus and to yourself.

Carol Dillard
State Stewardship Director

Local Church Report: KFC

Kirkland family church began the year with a New Year's Eve celebration.  We gathered at the church  for fellowship, food, fun and games.  It was a good evening!

January is stewardship month and Debbie Yaros taught a stewardship class during the Sunday Schoo hour.  The ladies and men's classes were combined during this time.  Debbie is an excellent teacher and has a heart for this ministry!  Many are still commenting on what they have learned!  The subjects included budgeting, tithing and giving, retirement, and the church financial structure.  This class was a blessing to all!

Ten youth and 8 adults attended and worked at Teen Retreat.  A big thanks to those who planned and supported the fundraiser for retreat.  Every camper's tuition was paid and transportation was provided.  It takes us all working together!  God met our youth at retreat and we give Him praise for all He has done!!

Adult Retreat was such a blessing!  We were blessed by the worship and Word.  Kathy and John Payne ministered as the Lord directed!  Again, God is so good!!

In February, a service was held to honor our Senior members.  kathy Johnson did a great job planning this service.  Each senior was honored by being escorted to the front by a youth or adult and then heard why they were appreciated and loved.  They were each presented with a rose and there was prayer for each one indivivually.  There was such a sweet spirit in this service.  We love our Senior members!  After service fellowship and food was enjoyed at a potluck dinner. 

Several have asked about church membership and Pastor Shelly is teaching a membership class during the Sunday School hour for those who are interested in joining the church.  Prasie God for all He is doing!!