Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Overseer's Insight: May 2012

Dear Saints,

The month of April concluding with some outstanding Events. Sister Sherry Johnson directed the Ladies Retreat in Vancouver at the Red Lion. It was well attended and was blessed of the Lord. The Theme was: “This Is My Story: I Am Blessed.” The ladies testified how that no matter what they had gone through in life, God was indeed with them, therefore, they were blessed. Sister Shelly Symonds had another inspiring and instructive Youth Convention. Bishop Trevor Reid, from the International Offices was there to minister to the Youth. Thank you, Sister Shelly, for the great job that you and your leaders do! The month ended with a powerful Men’s Retreat on White Pass. The theme was “Men of Prayer.” Truly, if we are to be the men of God that He desires for us to be, then we must be men of prayer. We had wonderful speakers with Pastor Brian Sturgill on Friday evening, Bill Davison teaching on Saturday, and Bishop Knoblich preaching on Sunday. On Saturday evening, the film “Courageous” was shown. This film really spoke to the hearts of the men. Thank you Bishop Smith and your staff for a powerful Retreat!

We have three State Events coming up in May. For the weekend of May 4 and 5, Camp Focus and a Camp Workday are scheduled. (See Below). On May 17-20, 2012 at Kirkland Family Church, we have scheduled our Gordon-Conwell Homiletics Class with Dr. Padilla. On the last weekend of the month Senior Retreat is scheduled at Washougal. This is always a fun time for all who attend. Our Seniors enjoy the fellowship, the worship, and the Ministry of the Word. Our prayers continue to go out to Retreat Director, Brother James Cabales for a complete and speedy recovery from his recent heart surgery.

Please make special note on your Calander that our May 4-5 Camp Focus Meeting will be held at our new Campground! All are welcome to come and help out in preparing our Campground for the Summer Camps! There is cleaning and repair work to do, so bring your work clothes and tools, and let’s join together for a great time. If you have questions, please contact Bob or Donella Gaines at

It is not to early to begin planning for State Convention. This year, Convention will be held at the Red Lion in Kennewick, Columbia Center. It will be on August 17-19, 2012. Bishop Mark Menke, CBL Instructor, will be with us as our special guest speaker from the International Offices. Please make plans now to attend a glorious and spirit-packed Convention. I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and make reservations as soon as possible, to be assured of a room. When you call the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of God of Prophecy to get the special group rate. There are lots of exciting things going on in the State, so come anticipating a great time together! Looking forward to seeing you there!!

Events Calendar for 2012

May 4-5 Camp Focus/Workday - (Camp Roganunda) (Bob & Donella Gaines, Coordinators)

May 17-20 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
(Homelectics, Dr. Padilla)

May 25-27 Senior Retreat - Washougal (James Cabales, Director)

June 24-July 8 Summer Youth Camp (At our New Campground - Camp Roganunda!)

August 17-19 Washington State Convention - Kennewick

Oct. 25-28 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
(Theology - Survey II)

“Driven By The Spirit”
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

Excerpts From State Overseer's Address

Over the last few months we have looked at excerpts of my Annual Address regarding the importance of being "Full of the Holy Ghost" so that we can be "Driven By The Spirit." We have looked at the necessity of being "Driven By The Spirit" to Pray and "Driven By The Spirit" to Study, and "Driven By The Spirit" to Reach The Harvest. The section below will focus on the how we should be "Driven By The Spirit" to Pursue Holiness.

Driven by the Spirit To Pursue Holiness

Hebrews 12:14 states: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.”

“Follow” = “Pursue” “Seek After” (These are Stronger verbs than “Follow.”) We are to Pursue Peace and Pursue Holiness

“Holiness” = Sanctification (It is not the same as God’s Absolute Holiness) But, rather it means “to put on” His Holiness.

Why is this important? The Bible tells us that if we do not Follow or Pursue Peace and Holiness, we shall not see the Lord.

A. You see, the Spirit and Holiness go hand in hand. (Soup and Sandwich, you can’t have one without the other.)

-The Spirit will drive us to Holiness and Holiness will invite the Spirit of God. (IF we listen and follow Him, He will direct us on a Holy Pilgrimage.)

-And then, When you Seek after, Pursue Holiness, you Invite the Holy Spirit into the Equation.

-The more Holiness, the more you will find the Spirit of God. The least amount of Holiness,

The less you will find the Spirit of God.

1. We as a Church come from a Holiness/Pentecostal Background. We have Holiness Beginnings. We have Holiness Genes!! (Not talking about holes in our pants!) Holiness is part of our DNA. We should not be ashamed of that, it is one of our Church Distinctives.

-In fact, the Holiness Movement of the 1800’s equated entire sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The early pioneers saw these as being two sides of a coin.

2. The Holy Ghost is Holy! He will not dwell in an Unclean temple! Those who say they have the abiding Holy Spirit, yet live defiled lives, are only deceiving themselves! Those that speak in tongues, but do not dwell in the cleaning stream are children of the enemy.

2Co 7:1 Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

3. On the Contrary, The Word clearly tells us we are to Cleanse Ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. We are not to taint ourselves with the things of this world. We are to keep ourselves from the “wicked one.”

(“Cleanse Ourselves”) Some things we are responsible for, and some things God is responsible for. (We should know how to possess our vessels in Sanctification and Honor.)

“Perfecting Holiness in the fear of God.” (Perfecting = Finishing, Fulfilling, Completing The Work of Holiness.) Continuing to Work on Holiness. When we are “Driven By The Spirit,” we will “Perfect Holiness in the fear of God.”

Senior Moment


The news coming back for all our retreats this year. (Adult, Ladies, Men's, Youth Convention) ...The BEST EVER!!!

The last scheduled retreat for the state of Washington will be May 25-27th. Our director, Brother James Cabales is excited and has chosen the theme for 2012 "Lift Jesus Higher". There is still plenty of time to get your applications in. Location is Salmon Falls Retreat Center, in Washougl, Wa. The fee is only $65.00 with a $10.00 deposit required. Send your application in to : Rainier Caminia, 769 9th street, Washougal, WA 98671. Plan to be part of the "Best Senior Retreat Ever".

Stewardship: April Fools

Pranksters take great pleasure in observing the traditions of “April Fool”.  Imagine a day, a month, set aside for their craft –all without recourse because they can call out “April Fool”. (Prov 26:19) The more outlandish their hoax and the more people that fall for their deceitful antics the more puffed up and emboldened they become. 

Have you ever fallen for an “April Fool’s” prank?  Didn’t you feel foolish at having been duped into believing the ruse or falling for the (sometimes obvious) prank?  And of course the prankster isn’t satisfied until everyone hears about how they “gotcha”.

Scripture warns us of a trickster of the deadliest kind.  Sometimes it takes years to discover that we’ve been taken by his deceitful con. This enemy isn’t looking for a little embarrassment, or a red faced “oops”, he is trying to swindle you of your peace, honor, reputation, self-image, relationships, and even your very soul.  Here are a few things to watch out for.  Read through carefully and see if he has begun a ruse in your life.

You might be an April Fool If you: 
Allow resentment to kill you.                                                                                                    Job5:2
Have caused your house be cursed.                                                                                        Job5:3
Say in your heart  “There is no God”                                                                                       Psalms 14:1
Are hot headed and reckless.                                                                                                   Prov 14:16
Allow your mouth to ‘gush folly’.                                                                                             Prov 15:2
Spurn your father’s discipline.                                                                                                  Prov 15:5
Speak arrogantly.                                                                                                                        Prov 17:7
Make others wonder “Of what use is money in his/her hand?”                                        Prov 17:16
Bring grief to your father.                                                                                                          Prov 17:21
Have ‘wandering eyes’.                                                                                                              Prov 17:24
Find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing your own opinions.                   Prov 18:2
Allow your lips to bring you strife and your mouth to invite a beating.                            Prov 18:6
Have perverse lips.                                                                                                                      Prov 19:1
Are quick to quarrel and meddle.                                                                                             Prov 20:3
Scorn the wisdom of others.                                                                                                     Prov 23:9
Continue to repeat your folly.  (As a dog returns to his vomit.)                                         Prov 26:11
See yourself wise in your own eyes.                                                                                        Prov 26:12
Trust in Yourself.                                                                                                                         Prov 28:26
Give full vent to your anger and tell all that is on your mind.                                            Prov 29:11
Have exalted yourself, or have planned evil.                                                                        Prov 30:32*
Walk in darkness.                                                                                                                       Eccl 2:14
Are one to fold your hands and ruin yourself.                                                                      Eccl 4:5
Practice extortion and bribe.                                                                                                   Eccl 7:7
Multiply your words!                                                                                                                 Eccl 10:14
Speak folly, your mind is busy with evil, practice ungodliness and spread
error concerning the Lord                                                                                                         Is 32:6
Leave the hungry empty, and withhold water from the thirsty.                                        Is 32:6b
Think you are wise.                                                                                                                    1Cor 3:18
Go after the strange woman (man) who flatters with her (his) words
as an ox goes to slaughter.                                                                                                       Prov 7:22
Speak with lying lips and utter slander.                                                                                 Prov 10:18
Enjoy doing mischief.                                                                                                                Prov 10:23
Go to men for help before you go to God.                                                                           2 Chr  16:9
Do your own thing vs. taking the advice of your parents.                                                 Prov 13:1
Bring grief or bitterness to your mother or father.                                                             Prov 10:1, 17:25
Tear down your house by your own hands.                                                                         Prov 14:1
Devour all that you have rather than have stores set aside.                                             Prov 21:20
Have eyes but do not see or ears but do not hear.                                                             Jer 5:21
Do not know the ways of or the requirements of your Lord.                                           Jer 5:4
Hear the words of God and do not put them to practice.                                                 Matt 7:26
You call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and do not do what I say.                                                           Luke 6:46
Have allowed yourself to be bewitched, to question the things
 that you know for certain are truth.                                                                                     Gal 3:1
Believe you can attain by human effort rather than by the Spirit.                                   Gal 3:3
Do not consider the cost before beginning to build.                                                          Luke 14:29
Use obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking.                                                                        Eph 5:4
Do not understand the Lord’s will.                                                                                         Eph 5:17
Are disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and
pleasures, live in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another.                      Titus 3:3

Do you recognize how the enemy attempts to deceive?  Can you see how he tries leading someone into a trap to defraud?  Should this have happened to you or someone you love remember there is a way out.

Don’t despair!  There is hope!!
Keep in mind all of us have fallen short of the glory of God.                                            Romans 3:23

And if we confess our faults and repent Our God is quick to forgive;
“as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our                 
 transgressions from us.”                                                                                                        Ps 103:12

There is an antidote for the wiles of our enemy. Even if we have proven to be foolish beyond all imagination there is a plan to reverse all foolish ways.  James tells us;
                If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God (for wisdom), who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.                                                         James 1:5

God bless you and may we all increase in wisdom,
Carol Dillard,
Stewardship Ministries Director,

Local Church Report: Rivers Fellowship

Rivers Fellowship (Tacoma) has begun a new initiative we call "Worship in Work Clothes."  One Sunday each month, instead of church as usual, we go door-to-door offering to serve our neighbors in any way possible.  We include a small giveaway (last month was a 9-volt battery) with a non-threatening card attached.

In the last two months, we have mowed lawns, repaired a sink, cleaned a garage, delivered groceries, prayed for many, and even walked dogs.  Two households we have served are already attending services here, as well as three additional households who have begun attending since we began that we didn't even visit.  We believe God is honoring our efforts to simply love our neighbors with no strings attached.

This has also served to revitalize the congregation and we are seeing growth in unity and a spirit of servanthood.  We are striving to make the Church who we are, not simply where we go.