Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Local Church Report: Rivers Fellowship

Rivers Fellowship (Tacoma) has begun a new initiative we call "Worship in Work Clothes."  One Sunday each month, instead of church as usual, we go door-to-door offering to serve our neighbors in any way possible.  We include a small giveaway (last month was a 9-volt battery) with a non-threatening card attached.

In the last two months, we have mowed lawns, repaired a sink, cleaned a garage, delivered groceries, prayed for many, and even walked dogs.  Two households we have served are already attending services here, as well as three additional households who have begun attending since we began that we didn't even visit.  We believe God is honoring our efforts to simply love our neighbors with no strings attached.

This has also served to revitalize the congregation and we are seeing growth in unity and a spirit of servanthood.  We are striving to make the Church who we are, not simply where we go.

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