Friday, November 4, 2011

Overseer's Insight: November 2011

Dear Saints:

During the month of October we had our Gordon-Conwell School in Kirkland.  The class that was taught was “Church and Community” by Dr. Eliana Runyon.  This was an outstanding class that stretched our minds and caused us to think outside the box (the church).  One of our textbooks challenged us to be the best church for the community, not the best church in the community.  When you are focused on being the best church for the community, then you will look beyond the four walls of the church for ways that you can minister to a community in need.  Our professor taught us that it only takes small steps to reach the community.  The whole idea is to first get outside of the church.  Our goal of reaching the community is encompassed in the Lord’s Prayer, when Jesus stated, “Thy Kingdom Come.”  In other words, Jesus’ prayer was that Shalom, in all the fullness of the word, would infiltrate our communities and our cities. 

As always, we are so thankful for the Kirkland Family Church providing a wonderful facility for us to learn in.  We are also appreciative of the lunches that were provided.  Thank you Sister Kaye and Sister Josie for all of your hard work in preparing the meals.

Please look forward to our next School in the Spring of 2012.  If you have any questions or are interested in enrolling in the Seminary, contact Dr. Don Knoblich at:

Regional Ladies Retreat
As you learned at State Convention, the Regional Ladies Retreat will be held at the Red Lion at the Quay in Vancouver, WA on November 4-6, 2011.  This is the Retreat that is directed by Sister Cathy Payne, International Women’s Ministries Director.  So, ladies, mark this date on your calendars and get ready for a Fantastic Retreat!

Adult Retreat
This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 3-5, 2012.  Our Retreat Theme is: “Designed For God’s Greatness.”  All of us are part of a wonderfully designed plan of God.  We are expecting an awesome time in the Lord!  International World Mission’s Director, Bishop David Bryan and his lovely wife, Sister Rosita will be our special guest speakers at this year’s  Retreat!   They both are so excited  to be with us.  Applications have been sent to the pastors and have been sent out individually.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at:

Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2011.  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  Please don’t miss it!!!  We look forward to seeing you there!!!

Events Calendar for 2011
November 4-6             Regional Ladies Retreat (Cathy Payne) - Vancouver, WA
November 11-13         Pastor's Wives Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR
November 30              Final deadline to send in Adult Retreat Applications.

“Driven By The Spirit
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

Excerpts (State Convention Annual Address)
For November's Lamplighter, I am going to begin a series of messages that come from excerpts from my State Convention Annual Address.  The Theme of the State Convention was "Driven By The Spirit." 

For this month, I will begin with the Introduction: 

Why this Theme?   “Driven By The Spirit?” This was the Same theme as used in Adult Retreat.  Also, if some of you might remember, the Theme of last year’s General Assembly was, “Pursuing The Spirit.”

I.  Scriptural Texts

Two seemingly simple passages of scripture, yet so powerful! 
“And immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the wilderness.”  (Mark 1:12)
“And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordon, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.”  (Luke 4:1)

But, What is it that proceeded these Passages? 
1.  Here, we see that Jesus had just been baptized in the River Jordon by John the Baptist.  Remember, the word “Baptism” means a full immersion into.  The Father spoke and said, “This is My Beloved Son, In Whom I am well Pleased.”
2.  Note that Jesus was “Full of the Holy Ghost.”
It therefore appears that there is a direct correlation or connection between being “Baptized”  and being “Full of the Holy Ghost” and being Led (being Driven) by the Spirit.

“Led”   and   “Driveth”
Luke uses the word that Jesus was “Led”  by the Spirit and Mark chooses  “Driveth”, i.e., that Jesus was Driven by the Spirit.
“Led” as used in Luke’s passage (Greek = ago) means to bring, to drive, to lead.  The word “Led” as used by Luke, seems more “passive.”
However, Mark’s usage of the word “Driveth” is much more sharp and direct.  The word here in the Greek literally means, “putteth” or Hurrieth Him forth” or “impelleth Him.”  This word suggests that Jesus was under the mighty contstraining impulse of the Spirit!

By being “driven by the Spirit.”  I don’t want you to have the impression that Jesus was “Forced by the Spirit” against His will.  That He was totally helpless, with no control.  No, Not at All!   IT IS JUST THAT JESUS WAS SO FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST THAT HE WAS TOTALLY MOVED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!!!  In other words, He was so imbued, so infused, so immersed, so consumed by the Spirit that He totally was in the Spirit’s Hands!

Like when a garment in dyed, it becomes totally imbued, infused in that color!!!
And dear Brothers and Sisters, that is what God intends for all of us, He wants us to be so Full of the Holy Ghost that:
-When HE talks, we talk
-When HE moves, we move
-When He goes to the right, we go to the right
-When HE goes to the left, we go to the left
-When HE goes straight, we go straight
-When HE goes backwards, we go backwards

You see, We are in total, complete control of our will, yet our will is totally submissive to Him, that is, we are subject to Him in everything, and thus we become the moving, breathing, living body of Christ on Earth!

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