Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Overseer's Insight April 2011

Dear Saints:
The month of March was extremely busy, but productive.  First, we had the Youth Harvest Training in Washougal.  In our area, there were youth leaders from ten churches represented.  Brother Trevor Reid and Brother Maurace Caswell did an outstanding job presenting materials to the students.  The main theme they presented was “context and culture,” and how we must be very attentive to these areas in ministering to our young people. 
The District Conventions in Kirkland and in Kennewick were well attended and blessed of the Lord.  District Overseer, Roger Jones, spoke on the giants in our lives and how we can defeat them.  In the Tri-City District Convention, Brother Smith spoke on the need for ministering in the harvest, allowing the Spirit to have pre-eminence among us, and the importance of being faithful stewards.  The Lord blessed mightily in both Conventions.  Our appreciation to our District Overseers for the  work that they do.
The month of March ended with the SOPAS (School of Practical and Advanced Studies) in Portland.  There were two schools going on at the same time with 33 Spanish-speaking and 47 English-speaking students!  There were students from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Utah. From our Region, we had 10 pastors attend and a good representation of students.  Bishops Menke, Varlack, and Pratt did an outstanding job on their presentations.  They taught classes on Pastoral, Ecclesiology, and Theology.  The classes were very instructive and gave much food for thought.  Bishop Knoblich’s presentation was a practicum on “Protecting our Children from Abuse and Neglect.”  Throughout each session the presence of the Lord was evident.  I would encourage all to attend SOPAS III when it comes back in our Region.
April’s Events
Three important events are coming up in April.  These are Ladies Retreat, Youth Convention, and Men’s Retreat.  The Youth Convention and our Ladies and Men’s Retreats are designed with you in mind.  Come expecting to be blessed.  You will certainly be enriched by attending these.  Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Easter is also coming up toward the end of the month. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the Hallmark event for the Christian. Thank God, that because He was risen from the dead and is alive, we too, are risen out of death unto new life in Him!  What a Glorious Hope we have!
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
Our next Gordon-Conwell Course (June 2-5, 2011 at Kirkland) will be Theology I as taught by Dr. Hector Ortiz.  Registration forms will be sent out soon.  Please remember that your registration form along with a $50.00 registration deposit is to be sent to Dr. Knoblich, one month in advance of the class, that is, by May 2, 2011.  The deposit will be credited to the tuition cost for the course.
Washington State Convention
It is not to early to begin planning for State Convention. This year, Convention will be held at the Red Lion in Kennewick, Columbia Center. It will be on August 19-21, 2011. Dr. Hector Ortiz, Center for Biblical Leadership  Ministries Director, along with Dr. Alvin Padilla, Dean of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary will be our special guest speaker.  Please make plans now to attend a glorious and spirit-packed Convention. I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and make reservations as soon as possible, to be assured of a room. When you call the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of God of Prophecy to get the special group rate. Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Events Calendar for 2011
April 8-10                    State Ladies Retreat - (Vancouver Red Lion) (Sherry Johnson, Director)
April 15-16                 Youth Convention - Kirkland (Shelly Symonds, Director)
April 29-May 1           State Men’s Retreat - White Pass (Franklin Smith, Director)
May 6-7                       Camp Focus/Workday - (Millersylvania) (Bob & Donella Gaines, Coordinators)
May 13-15                   Senior Retreat - Washougal (James Cabales, Director)
June 2-5                       Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
                                    (Theology I- Dr. Hector Ortiz)
August 19-21              Washington State Convention - Columbia Center Red Lion - Kennewick           
“Seek Ye The Peace Of The City
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

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