Dear Sisters in the Lord, I want you to know how much each one of you
mean to me. As I pray for you and seek God as to how to encourage you in your
personal walk with the Lord He never ceases to amaze me at the excitement he
gives me about each one of you and what He wants to accomplish in us and
through us. I have been reading about
"a fresh explosion of faith". One of the statements was God
saying "You believe IN me, now I want you to believe me,” from a book
titled “A Taste of Believing God”. (Let that sink in a minute.) The book
goes on to say the following:
“Faith is the way believers jump on board with God and
participate in countless wonderful things He has a mind to do. Faith
happens when believers believe. My challenge to you, is that you'll determine
to grow in faith”. Romans 10:17 An ongoing
relationship with God through his word is essential to our consistent victory!
We must make studying God's Word a priority. Sister's, how can we actively
believe God in our day-to-day challenges if we are not presently and actively
in His Word. Unlike any other text, the Word of God has supernatural effects
for those who receive it by faith. When we receive it by reading it, meditating
on it, believing it, and applying it, the life of the Word becomes lively in
us. The power of God's Word becomes powerful in us, the Activity of the
word becomes active in us. The operations of the word become operative in us.
The energy of the Word becomes energizing in us. The effectiveness of the
Word becomes effective in us. God says His Word is alive and powerful,
and I believe Him. He also says His Word is alive and powerful when it's in me. Hebrews 4:12 Is God's Word
alive and active in you? God's direction for our lives will escape us without
the Word of God. For your study time: Romans 10:17, Psalms 119:105, Psalm
119:11, Ephesians 6:17, Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 4:12, II Timothy
3:16, Jeremiah 15:16 (How about memorizing those scriptures J)
Grow in confidence that every word of God abiding in you has powerful effects!
Women's Ministry 101 - For all you beautiful ladies who have been
called by God to serve as your local church Women's Ministry Director, I wanted
to share a link that I found to have exciting and helpful hints. Please know I am praying for you and your
ministry and feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or
need help in anyway. I continue to give
God all glory and honor for what he is going to do this year in you and in your
local Women’s Ministry. As always, I am honored to be your servant.
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