Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Overseer's Insight: October 2013

Dear Saints
Family Camp
During the week of September 20-22, 2013 we had our very first “Family Camp” at our own Camp Roganunda! There were close to 50 in attendance ranging from infants and toddlers to grandparents.  It was so exciting seeing the families having fun together, playing together, worshipping together, and praying together.  I believe that is how God designed it to be! It was also a blessing having so many Spanish-speaking families at the Campground.  One Spanish pastor remarked that the Campground brought back memories of the beauty of his homeland in Guatemala.  There is no doubt about it, from the moment you drive into the Campground you are overtaken by the beauty, peace, and presence of God! 
Brother Bill and Sister Cindy Davison did a wonderful job coordinating Family Camp.  On Friday evening, Brother Davison challenged all of us to find a relationship with God where we can be sensitive to His Spirit as He speaks to our hearts in going to minister to others.  On Saturday morning, I, Bishop Knoblich, presented a class on “Finding the Heart of God for Your Family.”  David is our example of a man after God’s own heart.  What made him a man after God’s own heart, was because he continually sought the heart of God.  We too, can be men and women after God’s own heart.  On Saturday evening, the same theme of finding the heart of God was carried through as Bishop Rick Bear spoke on having such a vital relationship with Jesus, that others would see and would want to know Him.  His message was titled, “Excuse me, Are you Jesus?”  Indeed, we are to be living epistles, read and known of men.
The Camp cooks for the weekend, Brenda and Jerry Keener and Ramon and Icela Maldonado did a terrific job with the meals.  For sure, no one left hungry!
Plans are already in the making for next year’s Family Camp.  When the dates are set, please make sure that you pencil in the dates on your calendar.  It will definitely be a highlight of the year that you and your family will not want to miss!
In the meantime, if you have not been to Camp Roganunda, you need to plan a trip to visit it.  You will be amazed at the beauty of the Campground.
Clergy Appreciation Month
Please remember that October has been designated as “Clergy Appreciation Month” in North America.  This is a great opportunity to express your love and appreciation to your pastor and his or her family.  Hopefully, someone in your Church will take the lead during one of the Sundays in the month for doing something special for your pastor.  Ideas of things to do might include sending the family away on a mini-vacation, taking the family out to dinner, or buying some clothes for the family.  Ask God how you as an individual and you as a Church can be a blessing to your parsonage family this year!
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
This October 24-27th, 2013 at the Kirkland Church, we will be offering the course, “The Educational Ministry of the Church” as taught by Dr. Escobar from the Seminary.  If you are interested in this course and in becoming a student and earning a Master’s Degree in Religion, please contact, Dr. Don Knoblich at dknoblich@aol.com
Washington State COGOP Events Calendar for 2013
October                       Clergy Appreciation Month
Oct. 24-27                   Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
                                   (The Educational Ministry of the Church - Dr. Escobar)
November 1-3             Pastor's Wives Retreat – Port Angeles, WA

"Anointed For Service"
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

During our recent State Convention, I presented three sections.  The first Section titled, “Anointed For Service,”  explains “What” does Anointing mean, “Who” is to be Anointed, and “Why” we are to be Anointed.  This section closes with what is our “Service” to the Lord.

Section I – “Anointed For Service”

Introduction:  You will notice that our State Convention Theme is “Anointed For Service.”  Today, We will look at “What” does Anointing actually Mean, “Who” does the Anointing, and “Why” do we need to be Anointed.

Let’s look at our main Scripture Text:  (Luke 4:16-21)
Luk 4:16  And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.
Luk 4:17  And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias. And when he had opened the book, he found the place where it was written,
Luk 4:18  The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luk 4:19  To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Luk 4:20  And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him.
Luk 4:21  And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.

I.  First, let’s look at “What” does “Anointed” mean?  Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because HE hath Anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor;…”

     A.  We see immediately that there is a Connection, the Spirit and Anointing Go Together!  Jesus made sure to emphasize that the “Spirit of the Lord is Upon Me.” Jesus knew that Anointing does not take place without the Spirit.  What does this imply to us?  Any and All work that we do for the Lord must be with His Anointing, infused with His Spirit.  It is the Spirit that giveth life.  Without the Spirit, without the Anointing, our work is dead and dry, like last year’s birds nest!

     B.     “Anointed” in the Greek means to rub or smear with oil, to make contact with.  It means to consecrate for an office or for Service.  To rub or smear with oil suggests there is plenty of oil.  Many years ago, there was a TV commercial about a hair product called “Brylcreme.”  There line was “Brylcreme,  A little dab, will do ya.”  That’s the way some people think about Anointing, all they want is a little dab!  God forbid that there is too much Oil---Too much Spirit!!!

          1.       But I say, “Pour it on Lord, Pour it on.”  Just like the oil that ran down Aaron’s beard down to the skirts of his garment.  (Psalm 133) Pour it on Lord!
II.                “Who” does the Anointing?  Jesus gives us the answer:   The Spirit of the Lord (The Father) is upon me, because HE hath anointed me…(Do you See The Trinity in Action here?)  The Father sent The Spirit to Anoint Jesus. 

-Peter preached to Cornelius and his household and said, “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power:…”

III.             But ”Why” do we need to be Anointed?

     B.     “Why” was Jesus Anointed?
          1.       To Preach the Gospel to the Poor.
          2.      To Bind up (heal) the Brokenhearted.
          3.      To Deliver (Set Free) the Captives.
          4.      To Set at Liberty them that are Bruised.

-Sometimes we fail to realize that Jesus did not perform His earthly Ministry as the Son of God per se, He performed the works of the Father, His Ministry under the Anointing, the Unction of the Spirit!

-He performed His Miracles as the Son of Man, Infused and Anointed with the Spirit to show that we TOO, could model Him and do even greater things then He Did

     C.   “Why” else do we need to be Anointed?

          1.  Because Anointing “Destroys the Yoke!”
          2.  The prophet Isaiah said,  “ and the yoke shall be destroyed    because of the anointing. “ 

-Our yokes, Our oppressions, Our Burdens are destroyed through the Anointing!  Anointing destroys a lot of things!  Anointing sets the Captives Free,  Anointing Heals the Sick!

IV.       Anointed For “Service.”  We all have a Service and Work to do.  You have heard of the 10/90 Rule?  This is where  10% of the people do 90% of the work, and 90% of the people do 10% of the work. Yet, God has gifted all of us in His Work!  There are no Slackers in His Program!  He has placed everyone of the members in the Body as it hath please Him.

     A.     We have erroneously thought that the only gifts that can be utilized is on Sunday. 

          1.       We may not realize that there are two main categories of Gifts:  “Ecclesia Gifts” and “Diaspora Gifts.”
          2.      “Ecclesia Gifts” are best exercised with the Church is Gathered.  These include preaching, teaching, ushering, and leading worship.
          3.      However, in reality, the majority of our Ministry takes place outside the Church!  “Diaspora Gifts” are best exercised when the Body is dispersed on other days of the week.
          4.      These gifts include witnessing, evangelism, counseling, administration, showing mercy.  (These Gifts are those found in the Workplace.)
          5.      In the past, we have made a big fanfare of the Ecclesia (public) Gifts on one day of the week!  However, It is the Diaspora gifts that are primarily utilized the other six days of the week.  For this reason, the vast majority of our people’s gifts are overlooked!  Is it no wonder, that those that have a calling think the only way to Serve God is as a Pastor or Teacher? 
          6.      Some want the title of Pastor or Teacher.  Maybe we should heed the words of Bernard of Clairvaux when he said to church leaders, “If you are to do the work of a prophet, what you need is not a scepter and crown, but a towel and a basin.”
          7.      Someone has made the observation that a typical Christian between the ages of 20 and 60 will spend about 4,000 hours attending church meetings and worship services.  These same individuals  will spend some 80,000 hours in the workplace.  It is obvious that the majority of our Ministry takes place outside the Church Building.  So this begs the question, what are we doing to equip our people for ministry at the Workplace?  My wife has a great ministry where she works.  She had the blessed opportunity last week to pray a woman through.
          8.      ***We fail to realize that the Church is still the Body of Christ, whether gathered (Ecclesia) or dispersed (Diaspora).

     B.     Our Service is to the Lord, Whether inside the Church or Outside the Church!  Let us say as Jesus said as a lad, “I Must Be about My Father’s Business (Service)!”

Bishop Knoblich

Women's Ministry: Fresh Explosion of Faith

Dear Sisters in the Lord, I want you to know how much each one of you mean to me.  As I pray for you and seek God as to how to encourage you in your personal walk with the Lord He never ceases to amaze me at the excitement he gives me about each one of you and what He wants to accomplish in us and through us.  I have been reading about "a fresh explosion of faith".  One of the statements was God saying "You believe IN me, now I want you to believe me,” from a book titled “A Taste of Believing God”.  (Let that sink in a minute.) The book goes on to say the following:
“Faith is the way believers jump on board with God and participate in countless wonderful things He has a mind to do.  Faith happens when believers believe. My challenge to you, is that you'll determine to grow in faith”.  Romans 10:17 An ongoing relationship with God through his word is essential to our consistent victory! We must make studying God's Word a priority. Sister's, how can we actively believe God in our day-to-day challenges if we are not presently and actively in His Word. Unlike any other text, the Word of God has supernatural effects for those who receive it by faith. When we receive it by reading it, meditating on it, believing it, and applying it, the life of the Word becomes lively in us.  The power of God's Word becomes powerful in us, the Activity of the word becomes active in us. The operations of the word become operative in us. The energy of the Word becomes energizing in us.  The effectiveness of the Word becomes effective in us. God says His Word is alive and powerful, and I believe Him.  He also says His Word is alive and powerful when it's in me. Hebrews 4:12 Is God's Word alive and active in you? God's direction for our lives will escape us without the Word of God. For your study time: Romans 10:17, Psalms 119:105, Psalm 119:11, Ephesians 6:17, Joshua 1:8, Hebrews 4:12, II Timothy 3:16, Jeremiah 15:16 (How about memorizing those scriptures J) Grow in confidence that every word of God abiding in you has powerful effects!
Women's Ministry 101 - For all you beautiful ladies who have been called by God to serve as your local church Women's Ministry Director, I wanted to share a link that I found to have exciting and helpful hints.  www.juliabettencourt.com  Please know I am praying for you and your ministry and feel free to contact me if you have any questions, concerns or need help in anyway.  I continue to give God all glory and honor for what he is going to do this year in you and in your local Women’s Ministry. As always, I am honored to be your servant.