Friday, April 6, 2012

Overseer's Insight: April 2012

Dear Saints,

During the month of March we had our last two District Conventions, one in Kirkland and one in the Tri-Cities. Both Conventions were well attended and the District Overseers, Bishop Roger Jones and Bishop Frank Smith did a great job. For the Tri-Cities Convention we were in the newly remodeled church, which was very nice. Pastor Muro and the Finley Church have much to be thankful for. There was a wonderful presence of the Lord in both Conventions and a worshipful spirit was felt by all.

Also during March, we held our SOPAS III in Washougal at the New Horizons Church. Three informative classes were taught on Pastoral and Ecclessial Formation and on Theological Perspectives. Our instructors, Bishop Pratt, Bishop Pruitt, and Bishop Rodriquez did an outstanding job. Bishop Knoblich taught a class on “Strategies for Handling Pastoral Stress.” We had 56 students total, with 39 English and 17 Spanish. Much thanks goes to Pastor Smith and the New Horizons Church for hosting this School. The meals were superb! (Thank you Sister Tamara and Sister Shirley!) If you have not had a chance yet, please connect with someone who attended SOPAS III and let them share what a great time we had!

We have three State Events coming up in April: Washington Ladies Retreat, held in Vancouver at the Red Lion, April 13-15th; our Youth Conference held at Kirkland Family Church, April 20 and 21; and Men’s Retreat, April 27-29, 2012 at White Pass Grace Brethren Camp. Please make plans for you and your family members to attend these special meetings. You will be blessed and enriched by the preaching, teaching, and by the worship and fellowship.

Please make special note on your Calander that our May 4-5 Camp Focus Meeting will be held at our New Campground! All are welcome to come and help out in preparing our Campground for the Summer Camps! There is cleaning and repair work to do, so bring your work clothes and tools, and let’s join together for a great time. If you have questions, please contact Bob or Donella Gaines at

I pray that all of you have a glorious Easter. Truly, this is a spectacular time of the time when we reflect on our Resurrected Savior and the hope of the Resurrection that He has given to all of us. Jesus is the Firstfruits of the Resurrection and then we will follow Him in the Rapture. Again, may this be a time where you reflect on the New Life that our Lord has imparted to each of us. Thank you Jesus, that You are The Way, The Truth, and The Life! Truly, our Hope is in You!

Our next Seminary School is May 17 - 20, 2012 at Kirkland Family Church. The class is Homiletics, “Introduction to Preaching” as taught by Dr. Padilla. This is going to be a great class. To attend this course you must have your $50.00 deposit and Registration Form sent to Bishop Knoblich no later than April 17th or there will be a $50.00 late fee attached toward your final tuition.

Events Calendar for 2012

April 8 Celebrate Resurrection Sunday in your Local Church
April 13-15 State Ladies Retreat - (Vancouver Red Lion) (Sherry Johnson, Director)
April 20-21 Youth Convention - Kirkland (Shelly Symonds, Director)
April 27-29 State Men’s Retreat - White Pass (Franklin Smith, Director)

May 4-5 Camp Focus/Workday - (Camp Roganunda) (Bob & Donella Gaines, Coordinators)
May 17-20 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
(Homelectics, Dr. Padilla)
May 25-27 Senior Retreat - Washougal (James Cabales, Director)

August 17-19 Washington State Convention - Kennewick

Oct. 25-28 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
(Theology - Survey II)

“Driven By The Spirit
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

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