Friday, June 7, 2013

Overseer's Insight: June 2013

Dear Saints,

May was a busy, but productive month.  At Kirkland Family Church we had our Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary class, “World Mission of the Church” with 28 students in attendance.  Some of these students were from Canada and some from Jamaica.  Our next Kirkland class will be held October 24-27, 2013 on the “Educational Ministry of the Church.”  These are wonderful classes that will be a blessing in enhancing your ministry.  If you are interested in enrolling for this Master’s Degree Program, please contact Bishop Knoblich at

Also in May we had our Senior Retreat at the Salmon Falls Campground out of Washougal.  The Theme for Retreat was “In His Image.”  The Seniors love to get together for worship, fellowship, and growth in the Lord.  Sister Knoblich and myself were blessed to be at Senior Retreat on Saturday.  Old-time songs were sung while the Seniors worshipped the Lord.  Special speakers were Bishops’ Cabales and Murkerson.  Brother Cabales did a great job of directing the Retreat.

The last weekend of the month Men’s Retreat was held at our own Camp Roganunda with 85 in attendance.  The men just loved being at our new Campground!  The Retreat Theme was “By Who’s Authority!”  From start to finish of Retreat, the power of the Lord could be felt in a mighty way.  Two messages were preached by Bishop Sam Clements, North American General Presbyter.  He challenged the men to keep dreaming, even when things do not go in life as they had planned.  Bishop Knoblich spoke on the Authority of Jesus Christ as He began His Public Ministry as seen in the Gospel of Luke, chapter four.  Jesus gave us that same authority to go forth in His Name!  There were 2 saved, 2 sanctified, and 2 filled with the Spirit at Retreat.  There were also numerous healing and deliverances.  Brother Smith and his staff are to be commended for an outstanding Retreat!

Camp Roganunda
As of this writing, Camp Focus and Clean-Up are being held at the Campground, June 7-9th.  All are encouraged to help prepare our Campground for our Summer Youth Camps.  Much work has taken place, but there is still more to do.  On June 22nd there will be an Open House at the Campground.  Please feel free to bring your friends and family and see all the improvements that have been made at the Campground.  Also, if you know of any groups that would be interested in using our facility, please contact Brother and Sister Gaines at (509) 658-1013     Our goal is to have the Campground open year round.

Youth Camp
Summer Youth Camp is just around the corner.  From July 7th to July 21st, we will be hosting Senior Camp, PeeWee Camp, Junior Camp, and Yak Camp.  Again, all of our camps will be at our new Campground.  Please pray for our Summer Youth Camps, that there will be a mighty outpouring of His Spirit among our Youth.  What a wonderful ministry where our Youth can meet for several days in a worshipful environment; one where they can experience growth in the Lord!  Please make sure that the youth in your church and those in your family have a way to attend Summer Youth Camp.  Camp can also be a way to reach those youth that do not attend Church.  I cannot think of a greater investment for the Youth of our generation!

Washington State Convention  (August 23-25, 2013)
It is not too early to begin planning for State Convention. This year, Convention will be held at the Red Lion in Kennewick, Columbia Center. It will be on August 23-25, 2013. We are pleased to announce that Sister Kathy Creasy, International Children’s Ministries Director, will be our special guest speaker from the International Offices! You will definitely be blessed by her ministry.  Please make plans now to attend a glorious and spirit-packed Convention!

I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and make reservations as soon as possible, to be assured of a room. The Red Lion has extended a special rate to us, $86.95/night.  When you call the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of God of Prophecy to get the special group rate.  

You can also make on-line Reservations through the internet at the Red Lion website  

Please keep in mind that the special group rate cut off date is July 23, 2013.

Looking forward to seeing you there!!

Events Calendar for 2013
June 7-8                       Camp Focus and Clean-Up – Camp Roganunda (Bob & Donella Gaines, Coordinators)
July 7-12                      Senior Camp - Camp Roganunda (Shelly Symonds, Director)
July 12-14                    PeeWee Camp - Camp Roganunda (Ramon & Icela Maldonado, Directors)
July 14-19                    Junior Camp - Camp Roganunda (Robert & Pam Murkerson, Directors)
July 19-21                    Yak Camp - Camp Roganunda (Bill & Cindy Davison, Directors)
August 23-25               Washington State Convention - Kennewick (Red Lion Hotel)
                                      Special Speaker:  Sister Kathy Creasy
Sept. 12-15                  Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Boise, ID (Church Administration)
Sept. 13-15                  Alaska State Convention – Anchorage
Sept. 20-22                  Family Camp – Camp Roganunda (Bill & Cindy Davison, Directors)
Oct. 24-27                   Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary – Kirkland (Educational Ministry of the Church)
"Designed For God's Greatness"
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich
In May’s Lamplighter, I presented a section from my 2012 Annual Address, “Designed For God’s Greatness,” regarding how He “Designed Us to Live a Holy Life.”  For June, for this last installment, I will present a section on how God “Designed Us To Be Good Stewards.”
V. God Designed Us To Be Good Stewards
It goes without saying, that many places are facing difficult economic times.  Let me say this, that our Father owns the Cattle on a thousand hills.  (He owns the hills and He owns the Cattle.)  This means that He is Our God, who is Supplier of all!
1.  God, knows no such thing as a Recession! 
This is not the time to back away from tithing, from giving, from stewardship, this is the time (Right Now) as Malachi tells us to “Prove” God!
Listen to what he says:  (International Standard Version)
Mal 3:10  "Bring the entire tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house. So, put me to the test in this right now," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies, "and see if I won't throw open the windows of heaven for you and pour out on you blessing without measure.
Mal 3:11  And I'll prevent the devourer from harming you, so that he does not destroy the crops of your land. Nor will the vines in your fields drop their fruit," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.
Mal 3:12  "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for you will be a land of delight," says the LORD of the Heavenly Armies.
2.  God wants us to put Him to the Test!  He says do it Right Now!  He wants us to bring the Entire Tithe into the Storehouse.  Did you know the percentage that you tithe with God is not negotiable?  It is not 3% ,6%, 9%.  It is a Tithe (10%).   When we pay our tithe and give offerings, Look at all that God will Do: 
The Blessings Of Tithing:
-He will throw open the windows of heaven and pour out on you blessing without measure.  (Action Verbs)
-He will prevent the devourers from harming you.  Your hands will be blessed in your work!
-Your friends and neighbors will call you “Blessed.”  They see that you are a Land of Delight!
3.  Yes, You were Designed by God to Give!  You were Designed by God to be a Good Steward.  You were not Designed by God to be a Miser and a Hoarder!  Our instincts tell us to hold back, to protect, to retreat, to withdraw.  But, that is not what the people of God do, when things are falling apart.
We don’t turn away from God, we Turn to Him.  We understand that everything we have comes from God and it can be gone in a flash.  So when other people are holding back, you are not going to hold back your tithes and you are not going to hold back your offerings.  You were Designed by God to Worship Him with your Finance!
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich



Help Roganunda at Creation Fest

We will be hosting a booth at Creation Fest this year for Camp Roganunda! We are looking for individuals who would like to help staff the booth for the three days (Aug 7-10, 2013) who are passionate and excited about Camp Ministries. Registration fees will be included so you will get access to the festival when not at the booth. We will be raffling a weekend to Camp Roganunda as a means of attracting Youth leaders/Ministers to our booth! We need volunteers who can scream and shout to get people into the booth to register their church. Please call or email me if you are interested and able to help out. Thanks and God Bless!!
Joe A. Gonzalez
True Connections Inc.
(360) 601-7390

Senior Adult Retreat Report

Thirty four seniors gathered for their yearly retreat over the Memorial Day weekend. This retreat is sponsored by the New Horizons Church and brother James Cabales does an outstanding job of directing and overseeing it each year. Our theme this year was In His Image. Friday night's service began with a great time of special music and we have several folks who do an outstanding job singing, playing their instruments. Tamara Ells directs the cooking and oversees all her helpers and servers from New Horizons. Thank you for such scrumptious meals. Bishop Robert Murkerson was our guest speaker who encouraged all seniors to keep on serving Jesus. Our state music director, Pamela Murkerson led us in worship each night. What a blessing. Saturday morning Ruth Turner presented a wonderful devotion entitled "hands". This was a wonderful time of fellowship and we are looking forward to attending the next Senior Retreat.