District Conventions
During the month of February, we were blessed with two superb District Conventions. At the Central Puget Sound District Convention, Bishop Rick Bear ministered under the unction of the Spirit. My how the Lord did bless! Likewise in the Southern Shores District Convention at Brush Prairie, Bishop Frank Smith preached with a special anointing. The Spirit of God fell, and there were numerous people saved, sanctified, filled with the Spirit, healed, and restored. The State Workers gave pertinent information relative to their ministries and important updates of future events.
Please note that the Tri-Cities District Convention will be held at the Kennwick Church on Saturday, March 16th. The Northern District Convention will be held in Kirkland on Saturday, March 23. I am sure that Bishops’ Leonard Lord and Roger Jones will have something special planned for their respective Conventions. We look forward to seeing you there!
Children’s Ministry Intensive
Also, during the month of February we were blessed to have Sister Kathy Creasy from the International Offices be with us at New Horizons for a Children’s Ministry Intensive. There were approximately 50 in attendance from all over the State. I am so happy to see that our Churches realize what an important and potent work that the Children’s Ministry is. Sister Creasy spoke on the importance of calling in ministry. She stressed that what we need is not volunteers, but those that have a calling for the work. Overall, it was an outstanding Intensive. Much thanks to the New Horizon’s Church for the use of their facility. And much thanks to our State Children’s Ministry Directors, Brother Lionel and Sister Andrea Bickham. We thank them for their work in coordinating and promoting this special event.
Note: Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 10th. Be sure to turn your clocks ahead.
Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary
On May 16-19, 2013 at Kirkland Family Church, we will be offering the course, “World Mission of the Church” as taught by Dr. Nolivos. For those that are mission-minded, (and we all should have a mind for reaching those around us), this class will be instructional and inspirational. If you would like to register, please notify Bishop Knoblich at dknoblich@aol.com.
Washington State Convention
It is not too early to begin planning for State Convention. This year, Convention will be held at the Red Lion in Kennewick, Columbia Center. It will be on August 23-25, 2013. We are pleased to announce that Sister Kathy Creasy, International Children’s Ministries Director, will be our special guest speaker from the International Offices! You will definitely be blessed by her ministry. Please make plans now to attend a glorious and spirit-packed Convention. I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and make reservations as soon as possible, to be assured of a room. The Red Lion has extended a special rate to us, $86.95/night. When you call the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of God of Prophecy to get the special group rate. Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Events Calendar for 2013
March 16 District Convention - Tri-Cities (Leonard Lord, District Overseer)
March 23 District Convention - Kirkland (Roger Jones, District Overseer)
April 5-7 WA State Ladies Retreat - (Vancouver Red Lion) (Sherry Johnson, Director
April 19-20 Youth Convention - Kirkland (Shelly Symonds, Director)
May 16-19 Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church (“World Mission of the Church” - Dr. Nolivos)
May 24-26 Senior Retreat - Salmon Falls Campground (James Cabales, Director)
May 31-June 2 Men’s Retreat - Camp Roganunda (Franklin Smith, Director)
August 23-25 Washington State Convention - Kennewick (Red Lion Hotel)
“Designed For God’s Greatness”
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich
In last month’s Lamplighter, I presented a section from my annual address, “Designed For God’s Greatness,” regarding how He “Designed us to Grow in Him” through Leadership Development and Spiritual Formation..” For March’s message, I am presenting a section on how God “Designed Us To Have Communion With Him.”
God Designed Us To Have Communion With Him
A. He designed us to talk with Him, to spend time with Him, for Him to be our Best and Closest Friend. This idea of communion was evident in the Garden of Eden. The Bible tells us in Genesis that Adam communed with God in the Garden. Sin separated that communion. But, through Jesus Christ, the Second Man, Adam, we can find that communion with God again.
Jesus Christ by going to the Garden of Gethsemane and suffering and then dying for us, has brought us back into a Garden-Relationship with The Father!!!
1. Jesus was the Prime Example of praying to the Father. He prayed consistently.
2. He gave us “The Lord’s Prayer,” which is really our Prayer. He told us how to Pray.
Did you know that God designed you to communicate with Him? Wouldn’t it be strange to Love Someone, yet not talk with them? What kind of relationship would that be? In marriage and family therapy, without doubt, one of the major problems that couples have is ineffective communication. It is so tragic when people can be married many years and still really do not know their spouse.
God so wants to talk with us. He endeavors to talk to us. He loves to talk to us. And He wants us to talk with Him! We make what should be so easy, so hard to do.
3. We were designed to practice the presence of God.
I would like to recommend a classic book to you written by a 17th century French monk, Brother Lawrence. His book is called “The Practice of the Presence of God.” It is small, but just has a deepness and richness to it.
-Basically, Brother Lawrence learned to Communicate with God in each and every circumstance. It made no difference if he was working in the kitchen, whether he was cleaning, whether he was at the monastery, He practiced the presence of God everywhere. He did not just “hook up with God” on Sundays.
Let me share a few excerpts from the Book:
“All bodily mortifications and other exercises are useless, except as they serve to arrive at the union of God by love……this is the shortest way to Him, by a continual exercise of love and doing all things for His sake.”
“It is a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from other times……The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen…I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament.”
“That He might take away my sin, I renounced, for the love of Him, everything that was not He, and I began to live as if there was none but He and I in the world.”
“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet than that of a continual conversation with God.”
“The Presence of God is thus the life and nourishment of the soul.”
“We give ourselves a world of trouble and pursue a multitude of practices to attain to a sense of the Presence of God. And yet it is so simple. How very much shorter it is and easier to do our common business purely for the love of God, to set His consecrating mark on all we lay our hands to, and thereby foster the sense of His abiding Presence by communion of our heart with His!”
“Brother Lawrence’s one method of going to God and abiding in His Presence was to do all for the love of Him.” (“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God!”)
These are a few of the Maxims taken from his book:
-The only way you can find union with God is by Love.
-It is a great delusion to think that the times of prayer ought to differ from other times.
-Our motivation for doing anything and everything for God should be from love.
Another great book is “Intercessory Prayer” by Reese Howell. This giant of a man changed the course of history through prayer. When you are in a certain place with God, Shut in with Him, you can ask what you will and it will be done!
Bishop Knoblich