Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Overseer's Insight: November 2012

Dear Saints,


As we enter into the Thanksgiving Season, truly we all have much to be thankful for.  For many, the last couple of years, having been challenging economic ones.  I believe that the Apostle Paul can be a model for us in that he truly understood what it meant to go through difficult, life-threatening times.  During those times, the spirit of thanksgiving was upon him whether he found himself in a state of destitution or whether he was in abundance.  He wrote to the Philippians these words: “But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity.  Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”  (Phil. 4: 10, 11).  One commentary states that the word “learned” is originally taken from the phrase “learned the secret” or “initiated into the secret.”  Yes, Paul learned the secret of rising above all circumstances in life.  He learned the secret of being cheerful and joyful in times of privation and of being grateful in seasons of prosperity and abundance.  The secret of his contentment is found “in Christ” or in his relationship to Christ.  How is your relationship with Christ?  Do you find yourself thanking Him during times of abundance and also during times of want and hardship?  That is truly what a thankful spirit is all about.  As you reflect on the ‘Source’ of your contentment, it is my prayer that you and your family have a blessed Thanksgiving Season.

YAK Retreat - Camp Roganunda

Last month the YAK Winter Retreat  was held at our State Campground, Camp Roganunda.  Though the numbers were low, the Spirit and the teaching and worship were wonderful according to what Brother Bob Gaines reports.  Portable heaters were used in the cabins and all the campers and staff were quite comfortable. 

As most of you know, one of the goals of the Camp is to have several cabins winterized this Fall and Winter so that our Campground can be used year round.  By the way, any of you that are wanting to come up to the Camp during the week or during the weekend, to help with some of the work projects, please contact Brother Bob Gaines at 509-658-1013.  All help and/or donation of materials will be greatly appreciated!

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary

This last month we also had our Gordon-Conwell Seminary School in Kirkland.  The class being taught, Theology II, by Dr. Hector Ortiz was a wonderful, thought-provoking class.  Instruction was given in the subject areas  of Ecclesiology (the Church), Pneumatology (Holy Spirit), Hamartiology (Sin), Soteriology (Salvation), and Eschatology (Last Things).  This class had our students broadening their thinking about a number of areas in theology that we generally take for granted.  We truly appreciate Kirkland Family Church and Pastor Kaye Cabales for the use of their fine facility for our classes!  Our next class in Kirkland will be May 16-19, 2013.  If any of you are interested in being a student in our seminary, please contact Bishop Knoblich.

Adult Retreat

This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 1-3, 2013.  Our Retreat Theme is: “Anointed For Service.”  Whether we may realize it or not, we are all gifted and called by God for His service. We are expecting an awesome time in the Lord!  Western Canada National Overseer, Bishop Walter Doroshuk and his lovely wife, Sister Claudia will be our special guest speakers at this year’s  Retreat!   They are both so excited  to be with us and we are excited to have our neighbors to the North of us with us.  Applications have been sent out individually and will soon be sent to the pastors.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at: wacogop.org

Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2012.  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  Please don’t miss it!!!  Pass the word on to others.  We look forward to seeing you there!!!

2013 State Convention

Please mark your calendars for next year’s State Convention at the Kennewick Red Lion Hotel.  The dates are August 23-25, 2013.

Events Calendar for 2012

November 9-11           Pastor's Wives Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR

November 30              Application deadline for Adult Retreat

January                       Stewardship Month
anuary 18-20             Winter Teen Retreat - White Pass (Shelly Symonds, Director)
January 24-27              Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Salem, OR
                                    (History of the Church of God of Prophecy - Dr. Ortiz)

February 1-3               Adult Retreat - Pacific Beach (Don & Mary Knoblich, Directors)
February 15                 District Convention - Tacoma (Rick Bear, District Overseer)
February 16                 District Convention - Brush Prairie (Franklin Smith, District Overseer)

March 16                     District Convention - Kirkland (Roger Jones, District Overseer)
March 23                     District Convention - Tri-Cities (Franklin Smith, District Overseer)

August 23-25              Washington State Convention - Kennewick (Red Lion Hotel)

"Designed For God’s Greatness"

Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich


Sounds of Christmas Dessert Concert

You are invited to enjoy The Sounds of Christmas, the 12th Annual Christmas Dessert Concert, presented by Kirkland Family Church.
Come enjoy a relaxing night of fun Christmas music and desserts on
Saturday December 1st at 6:30 pm

$12 Adults, $8 Kids 12 & under. Under 2yrs old are free.

Reserved seating is 1st come first served so buy tickets early. We've sold out the previous years.

Email JessCabales@gmail.com for tickets.
Check out the event page:

Men of Honor Men's Conference