The month of May began with Spring Clean-up at Camp
Roganunda. What a great time was had by
all that attended! There was in excess
of 75 people that represented 15 churches from over the State. Some individuals from the Kiwanis Club were
there to lend their assistance and expertise in that they have been instrumental in working on this Camp for many
years. Young and old(er) worked together
to get many projects completed. All of the
cabins were cleaned; the K-Lodge and Dining Room and Kitchen were thoroughly
cleaned. Brush and branch debris was
raked and hauled away from the cabins and from the main trails. Several dead trees were taken down (thank you
Russ McLoud). The pool house and
swimming pool were in the initial stages of cleaning. Several people worked on the plumbing and
heating units. Brother Bob and Donella
Gaines did a great job in coordinating this cleanup effort. Much was certainly accomplished as a spirit
of unity prevailed over the Camp.
Several individuals have been coming up on the weekends and working in
preparation for our Summer Camps. A Big
THANK YOU to all of our people who have been so diligent in getting the Camp
ready. There are still some more
projects that need to be completed before Camp begins. Any who feel like they would like to offer
their assistance in getting the Camp ready, please contact Bob and Donella
Gaines at 509-658-1013.
Also, during the month of May we had our Gordon-Conwell
Seminary School in Kirkland. The class
was on Homiletics as taught by Dr. Padilla, Dean of the Hispanic Ministries
Program, South Hamilton, Massachusetts.
We had 20 students attend. They
came from Jamaica, Bahamas, Canada, California, and Oregon. I am sure that all of us learned how to be
better ministers of the Word. Much thanks
to Kirkland Family Church in allowing us to have the School there. Also, much thanks to Kaye Cabales for
preparing some wonderful meals for the students.
The month ended with the Senior Retreat at Washougal. There were a good number of seniors at this
year’s Retreat. I have heard some say,
that it was the best one ever! The
presence and power of God were felt at every service. The worship times were spectacular. Many needs were met among the attendees. Special thanks to Brother James Cabales for
directing our Senior Retreat. Also,
thanks go to New Horizons Church for sponsoring this event.
Yes, Summer Youth Camp is right around the corner. Going from June 26th to July 7th, 2012, the
new Campground will host the very first Camps of the Summer Camping
Season. This includes Senior Camp,
Yakers Camp, Junior Camp, and PeeWee Camp.
Please do all that you can in getting your kids, grand-kids, and church
kids to our Camp. The spiritual
enrichment that our youth receive will far outweigh any monetary costs that are
involved. Please do your part to sponsor
our youth to Camp and make sure that they have a way to Camp.
It is not too
early to begin planning for State Convention. This year, Convention will be
held at the Red Lion in Kennewick, Columbia Center. It will be on August 17-19,
2012. Bishop Mark Menke, CBL Instructor, will be with us as our special guest
speaker from the International Offices. Please make plans now to attend a glorious
and spirit-packed Convention. I would encourage you to call the Red Lion and
make reservations as soon as possible, to be assured of a room. When you call
the Red Lion (509-783-0611), please tell them that you are with the Church of
God of Prophecy to get the special group rate. There are lots of exciting
things going on in the State, so come anticipating a great time together! Looking forward to seeing you there!!
Events Calendar for 2012
June 24-29 Senior Camp - Camp Roganunda
(Shelly Symonds, Director)
June 29-July 1
Young Adult Camp - Camp Roganunda (Bill & Cindy Davison, Directors)
July 1-6 Junior Camp - Camp
Roganunda (Robert and Pam Murkerson, Directors)
July 6-7 PeeWee Camp - Camp
Roganunda (Ramon and Icela Maldonado, Directors)July 6-8 Alaska State Convention - Anchorage
July 25-29 International General Assembly - Louisville, KY
August 17-19 Washington State Convention - Kennewick
Sept. 13-16 Gordon-Conwell Theological
Seminary - Boise, ID
of Leadership)