Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Video Archives of State Convention

You can access the archived videos from the 2011 Washington State COGOP Convention at the link below, courtesy of New Horizons Church.

Overseer's Insight: September 2011

Washington State Convention Report
A Plethora of Blessings was experienced this year at State Convention held at the Kennewick, Red Lion Inn.  Bishop/Dr. Hector Ortiz was our Representative and he delivered some outstanding messages, challenging all of us to move up to a higher place. When we see things at a higher level, we have a vantage point with a better view that allows us to go higher with God than ever before.

Bishop/Dr. Knoblich and our Gordon-Conwell Representative Dr. Ortiz conducted a graduation ceremony, complete with caps and gowns on Saturday morning.  It was an outstanding ceremony with eight students graduating with a Diploma in Religious Studies through Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.  The Graduates were: Pastor Jim Alexander, Chaplain Ray Clark, Pastor Leonard Lord, Pastor William Martinez, Bishop Samuel Munoz, Pastor Sheri Paquette, Bishop Frank Smith, and Assistant Pastor Shelly Symonds.  Two of these, William Martinez and Sheri Paquette, graduated with academic honors, .  Congratulations are due to every one of our graduates, so when you see them, be sure and offer your congratulations to them.

Bishop Knoblich delivered his annual address as well on Saturday morning.  It was a power packed message that centered around the theme of being “Driven by the Spirit.”  He challenged all of us first of all to be Full of the Holy Ghost so we are able to be Driven by the Spirit.  Then he challenged us to be Driven by the Spirit in prayer, in study of the word, in reaching souls in the harvest, in being faithful stewards, and in being Pastor Passionate.  His message was followed by a powerful altar service with many being ministered to.  

Saturday evening was our Youth Service directed by Shelly Symonds.  Her message correlated with Dr. Ortiz’s thoughts.  She talked to the youth on what it is to “Be Cool”.  It has nothing to do with your name, what you do, or the clothes you wear.  It has everything to do with your relationship with Christ.  Again, there was a powerful altar service with the 29+ years of age generation praying with our youth. Sister Shelly challenged the youth to step up to “fill the gap of ministry.”

The highlight of Sunday morning was our healing line service.  In excess of a hundred people went through the healing line to be anointed and  prayed for.  People experienced wonderful healings and deliverances and answered prayers.  Some were slain in the Sprit and others danced in the Spirit.  It was a glorious time that will not soon be forgotten.  We would like to encourage you to send in to the Lamplighter a testimony of what God did for you during this time so others can rejoice with you and that other’s faith may be lifted.   Please send this to Pastor Rob at:  We would love to hear your testimony, so please share it with us.

Sunday morning concluded with an Affirmation and Prayer Service for all appointed State Workers and Pastors.  Our prayer is that God would mightily bless and use each one as they reach into the Harvest Field, as they are “Driven By The Spirit.”

People have commented that this was the best Convention yet!!  We want to thank Sister Pam Murkerson and all of our musicians  for the outstanding job they did in leading worship.  The special singing done before and during service was inspirational and a blessing as well.  We want to thank all that contributed to the success of our convention, all of the workers and also the delegates.

A special thanks from our hearts for the special Love offering to us, the Knoblich’s, as well as the blessings spoken over us as you came through the line to shake our hands or give us a blessing hug.
We feel like we have the “Greatest People” to be found anywhere!  Thank you for your love and support to us. Please make plans to come next year and bring someone with you!!

E.L.I.T.E.  (Emerging Leadership Intensive Training Excursion)
September 23-25, 2011 at the Kirkland Family Church, there is going to be a powerful weekend of training for our older teens and for young adults.  State Youth Ministries Director, Sister Shelly Symonds states that this weekend will be specifically designed for those who want to deepen their understanding of the Word of God, for those wanting to know how to share Christ, for those feeling that God is calling them and how to start on that journey.  There will be information given on being a licensed minister and the importance of continuing your education (e.g., S.O.P.A.S and Gordon Conwell).  There will also be  practical information given on ways to study the Bible and the importance of prayer.  So, again, please mark this date on your calendars and encourage all youth that are aspiring to be leaders in the church to attend this important training session.

Adult Retreat
This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 3-5, 2012.  Our Retreat Theme is: “Designed For God’s Greatness.”  All of us are part of the wonderfully designed plan of God.  We are expecting a wonderful time in the Lord!  International World Mission’s Director, Bishop David Bryan and his lovely wife, Sister Rosita will be our special guest speakers at this year’s  Retreat!   They both are so excited  to be with us.  Applications have been given to the pastors and some will be sent out individually.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at:
Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2011.  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  We look forward to seeing you there!!!

Regional Ladies Retreat
As you learned at State Convention, the Regional Ladies Retreat will be held at the Red Lion at the Quay in Vancouver, WA on November 4-6, 2011.  This is the Retreat that is directed by Sister Cathy Payne, International Women’s Ministries Director.  So, ladies, mark this date on your calendars and get ready for a Fantastic Retreat!

Events Calendar for 2011

September 22-25         Institute of Children’s Ministry - Ridgecrest, NC
September 23-25         E.L.I.T.E. Training (Shelly Symonds) - Kirkland Family Church
September 22-25         Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Boise, ID                          
                                    (Introduction To Pentecostalism - Dr. Ortiz)

October                       Clergy Appreciation Month
October 27-30             Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
                                    (Church and Community - Dr. Eliana Runyon)

November 4-6             Regional Ladies Retreat (Cathy Payne) - Vancouver, WA
November 11-13         Pastor's Wives Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR
“Driven By The Spirit
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich