Sunday, December 4, 2011

Overseer's Insight: December 2011

Dear Saints:

I trust all of you had a blessed Thanksgiving.  Truly, we have so much to be thankful for.   This next month, brings us the Christmas Season, certainly a highlight of the year, for it represents the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Possibly due to this year’s “economic crisis” maybe more focus and attention will be given to what the true meaning and Spirit of Christmas is all about.  That Spirit is about giving.  It was exemplified when the Father gave His Son for us.  Now, all we have to do is receive that gift.  This gift comes about by surrendering our lives and asking Jesus to come into our hearts as Lord and Savior.  This Christmas Season, may you and your family experience the greatest gift of all time through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Adult Retreat
This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 3-5, 2012.  Our Retreat Theme is: “Designed For God’s Greatness.”  All of us are part of a wonderfully designed plan of God.  We are expecting an awesome time in the Lord!  International World Mission’s Director, Bishop David Bryan and his lovely wife, Sister Rosita will be our special guest speakers at this year’s  Retreat!   They both are so excited  to be with us.  Applications have been sent to the pastors and have been sent out individually.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at:
Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2011 (Note: This date has been extended to December 7th, 2011)  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  Please don’t miss it!!!  We look forward to seeing you there!!! 

Events Calendar for 2012

January                       Stewardship Month
January 13-15             Winter Teen Retreat - White Pass (Shelly Symonds, Director)
January 26-29              Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Salem, OR (Research & Writing)
February 3-5               Adult Retreat - Pacific Beach (Don & Mary Knoblich, Directors)
February 24                 District Convention - Tacoma (Rick Bear, District Overseer)
February 25                 District Convention - Washougal (Franklin Smith, District Overseer)

March 10                     District Convention - Kirkland (Roger Jones, District Overseer)
March 17                     District Convention - Tri-Cities (Franklin Smith, District Overseer)
March 22-24                School of Practical and Advanced Studies (SOPAS III) - Washougal, WA
                                    (English and Spanish Tracks)
“Driven By The Spirit
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

Below is the second installment in the series of my annual address:  "Driven By The Spirit."  Last month we looked at the example given by Jesus, how He was Driven by the Spirit.   For this month's excerpt, we will look at 'How' we can be Driven By The Spirit.  It begins by being "Full of the Holy Ghost."

(Part II)
Jesus was Full of the Holy Ghost, and He was Driven By The Spirit.  And He left us an example,
“That We Should Follow His Steps.”  (I Peter 2:21)
Being “Full of the Holy Ghost: is the Key to be Driven By The Spirit.  Let’s look at other New Testament Examples:
Act 6:3  Wherefore, brethren, look ye out among you seven men (deacons) of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.

Act 7:55  But he (Stephen), being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up stedfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God,
Act 7:56  And said, Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God.

Act 11:24  For he (Barnabus) was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people was added unto the Lord.

What do these Scriptures teach us?
1.  Deacons (the Ministry) are to be Full of the Holy Ghost.
2.  Before we are called to go to heaven, like Stephen, it would be a good thing to be Full of the Holy Ghost!
3.  If our ministry is to be fruitful, that is people are saved and added unto the Lord, we must be Full of the Holy Ghost.
***Please note that Being Full of the Holy Ghost is not the same thing as being “Filled with the Holy Ghost” when you initially were baptized in His Spirit and spoke in tongues.  That is what happened on the Day of Pentecost, those in the upper room were filled with the Holy Spirit.  No, Being Full of the Holy Spirit is to live a daily, consecrated life that seeks the will of God.  To be Full of the Holy Ghost is to be continually immersed in His Spirit.

Jesus both leads us and drives us.  (By implication, the Spirit both leads us and drives us.)
Joh 10:3  To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.
Joh 10:4  And when he putteth (driveth, cast) forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.
Jesus both leads His sheep and He drives them.  He leads them into green pastures, but He drives them into a safe place from danger.  Note, He can only lead them and drive them as they are submissive to Him, as they are Full of the Holy Ghost.

Sensitivity To The Spirit
How Sensitive are you to the Spirit?
Have you ever seen a ring in a bull’s nose?  Do you know that a small child can lead a 2,000 lb bull around with a string attached to the bull’s nose?  Why is that?  Because the bull’s nose is very tender, and when he senses a tug on the string, he quickly moves in the direction the child is leading.
How many of you have a nose ring?   (I am not talking about a literal nose ring.)  (I am talking about one Placed there by the Holy Spirit?!)  And all He has to do is give you a tug, and you’re moving?! 
Notice, the bull does not say, “Where are we going?” or “Why are we going there?”   He just moves!  Abraham did not ask questions, When God told him to journey, he said, “Here I am Lord.”  It is obvious that Abraham had a ring in his nose. 
Oh, that we can be so sensitive to the Spirit, that we can be lead around by our noses!

May you all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas!
Bishop Knoblich

News From the Field: Kirkland Family Church

The worship team has been practicing for the Desert Concert, which was held December 3 at 6:30 p.m.  C.D.'s have been produced which are available for purchase.  We invite you all to come worship with us during this Christmas season.

There are two new babies in our midst!  Gwendalyn Kay Brown, daughter of Becky and Andy and sister to Brooke Lynn was dedicated this past month.  Pastor Shelly Symonds was privileged to do this service.  Many family members attended, including proud grandparents Bob and Donella Gaines and great grand parents, aunts, uncles, and other family members.  Later in the month, Ben and Megan Parker presented their son, Waylon for his dedication.  Pastor Allan Cabales ministered during this service.  Waylon's sisters, Makanna and Mariah proudly stood with many other family members, including grandparents.  The congregation prayed and promised to do their part in the lives of these little ones.  We give thanks for our families.

KFC welcomed back Pastor Kaye.  She was able to go down to spend the week before Thanksgiving with family and her parents.  Many of you have prayed for her dad, Brother  Clarence Foster  and we are thankful that the Lord continues to minister healing and strenth.

We here at KFC, wish you all a blessed and Merry Christmas.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Special Testimony: John Allaway

I haven't written to the Lamplighter for a long time, but now I have something to write about.  Sunday, October 2, 2011 I was standing in our church preaching on our authority in Christ. The Lord was blessing but it began to get real warm, or so I thought. One of the people opened the windows, another turned on two fans, but I was still hot, very hot, and sweaty. I was about half way into my message when the people started to sway back and forth. I thought, "My, that's funny." They usually do that when they're singing, but I found it was me doing the swaying. Then I lost my balance and my two son-in-laws came up and caught me. My legs would not move, so Elias picked up my feet and put them down until I got off the platform. They set me on the front pew. My wife and daughters were trying to get me to breathe with no success. I died sitting in the front pew.

Tim Moon and Billy Tyler picked me up and laid me on the floor. There was a young lady that came that Sunday who hadn't been there for about a month, but she knew CPR.  Did God have something to do with that?

Let me tell you what happened when I died: all the noise, crying, and praying stopped. I felt my spirit leave my body, very peaceful. Remember when you were a child and you would find a piece of plastic, put it on the lawn and run the sprinkler on it? We called them slippy slides.  Well, that's just how it felt to me, but I was going up a very fast speed.  All of a sudden I could see the top; it was the prettiest light blue cloud I had ever seen.  when I entered the cloud, it reached out and encompassed me.  It was just like Jesus put his arms around me and was hugging me. 

Then I started hearing voices around me, "Pastor, Pastor, don't leave, we need you. Brother John you are loved. Daddy, Daddy, I love you, don't die!" Then I heard about 40-45 people praying for me and it seemed like they were very little in a group and the group got bigger and bigger until they were all there praying and crying over me. The lady that had performed CPR on me cracked one of my ribs, but thank God she was there and knew what to do. I just did not know that so many people loved me that much.  I think we do too much labeling on folks.  Labels are for filing, labels are for clothing, or just about anything you buy but labels are not for people. 

I finally came to my senses and the ambulance crew was there trying to get me on the gurney. I wound up at Harrison Hospital in the E.R.  They told me I would be admitted, so I spent four days of tests and more tests.  The ultrasound showed the left carotid artery that feeds the brain was 99% blocked so, you fill in the blanks.  They sent me home and told me they would have to operate in ten days. 

I was home for two days and had another seizure.  My daughter-in-law Barbi drove me back to the hospital. I was in the operating room the next day for three hours. I hurt so bad that all I could say was, "Jesus, Jesus." After three more days they sent me to a transitional care facility where I learned to walk, talk, eat, and do the things that normal people do. I spent eleven days getting so I could be a normal person again.  I done a lot of soul searching while I was there. Folks, I think we need to do that. So anyway I am doing a lot better and I want to thank every one of you for your prayers and support. God bless.

Pastor John F. Allaway

Friday, November 4, 2011

Overseer's Insight: November 2011

Dear Saints:

During the month of October we had our Gordon-Conwell School in Kirkland.  The class that was taught was “Church and Community” by Dr. Eliana Runyon.  This was an outstanding class that stretched our minds and caused us to think outside the box (the church).  One of our textbooks challenged us to be the best church for the community, not the best church in the community.  When you are focused on being the best church for the community, then you will look beyond the four walls of the church for ways that you can minister to a community in need.  Our professor taught us that it only takes small steps to reach the community.  The whole idea is to first get outside of the church.  Our goal of reaching the community is encompassed in the Lord’s Prayer, when Jesus stated, “Thy Kingdom Come.”  In other words, Jesus’ prayer was that Shalom, in all the fullness of the word, would infiltrate our communities and our cities. 

As always, we are so thankful for the Kirkland Family Church providing a wonderful facility for us to learn in.  We are also appreciative of the lunches that were provided.  Thank you Sister Kaye and Sister Josie for all of your hard work in preparing the meals.

Please look forward to our next School in the Spring of 2012.  If you have any questions or are interested in enrolling in the Seminary, contact Dr. Don Knoblich at:

Regional Ladies Retreat
As you learned at State Convention, the Regional Ladies Retreat will be held at the Red Lion at the Quay in Vancouver, WA on November 4-6, 2011.  This is the Retreat that is directed by Sister Cathy Payne, International Women’s Ministries Director.  So, ladies, mark this date on your calendars and get ready for a Fantastic Retreat!

Adult Retreat
This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 3-5, 2012.  Our Retreat Theme is: “Designed For God’s Greatness.”  All of us are part of a wonderfully designed plan of God.  We are expecting an awesome time in the Lord!  International World Mission’s Director, Bishop David Bryan and his lovely wife, Sister Rosita will be our special guest speakers at this year’s  Retreat!   They both are so excited  to be with us.  Applications have been sent to the pastors and have been sent out individually.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at:

Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2011.  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  Please don’t miss it!!!  We look forward to seeing you there!!!

Events Calendar for 2011
November 4-6             Regional Ladies Retreat (Cathy Payne) - Vancouver, WA
November 11-13         Pastor's Wives Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR
November 30              Final deadline to send in Adult Retreat Applications.

“Driven By The Spirit
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

Excerpts (State Convention Annual Address)
For November's Lamplighter, I am going to begin a series of messages that come from excerpts from my State Convention Annual Address.  The Theme of the State Convention was "Driven By The Spirit." 

For this month, I will begin with the Introduction: 

Why this Theme?   “Driven By The Spirit?” This was the Same theme as used in Adult Retreat.  Also, if some of you might remember, the Theme of last year’s General Assembly was, “Pursuing The Spirit.”

I.  Scriptural Texts

Two seemingly simple passages of scripture, yet so powerful! 
“And immediately the Spirit driveth Him into the wilderness.”  (Mark 1:12)
“And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordon, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness.”  (Luke 4:1)

But, What is it that proceeded these Passages? 
1.  Here, we see that Jesus had just been baptized in the River Jordon by John the Baptist.  Remember, the word “Baptism” means a full immersion into.  The Father spoke and said, “This is My Beloved Son, In Whom I am well Pleased.”
2.  Note that Jesus was “Full of the Holy Ghost.”
It therefore appears that there is a direct correlation or connection between being “Baptized”  and being “Full of the Holy Ghost” and being Led (being Driven) by the Spirit.

“Led”   and   “Driveth”
Luke uses the word that Jesus was “Led”  by the Spirit and Mark chooses  “Driveth”, i.e., that Jesus was Driven by the Spirit.
“Led” as used in Luke’s passage (Greek = ago) means to bring, to drive, to lead.  The word “Led” as used by Luke, seems more “passive.”
However, Mark’s usage of the word “Driveth” is much more sharp and direct.  The word here in the Greek literally means, “putteth” or Hurrieth Him forth” or “impelleth Him.”  This word suggests that Jesus was under the mighty contstraining impulse of the Spirit!

By being “driven by the Spirit.”  I don’t want you to have the impression that Jesus was “Forced by the Spirit” against His will.  That He was totally helpless, with no control.  No, Not at All!   IT IS JUST THAT JESUS WAS SO FULL OF THE HOLY GHOST THAT HE WAS TOTALLY MOVED BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD!!!  In other words, He was so imbued, so infused, so immersed, so consumed by the Spirit that He totally was in the Spirit’s Hands!

Like when a garment in dyed, it becomes totally imbued, infused in that color!!!
And dear Brothers and Sisters, that is what God intends for all of us, He wants us to be so Full of the Holy Ghost that:
-When HE talks, we talk
-When HE moves, we move
-When He goes to the right, we go to the right
-When HE goes to the left, we go to the left
-When HE goes straight, we go straight
-When HE goes backwards, we go backwards

You see, We are in total, complete control of our will, yet our will is totally submissive to Him, that is, we are subject to Him in everything, and thus we become the moving, breathing, living body of Christ on Earth!

"The Best Gift Ever" Dessert Concert!

"The Best Gift Ever"
Dessert Concert and Silent Auction
At Kirkland Family Church

When:  Saturday, December 3rd at 6:30pm  (Doors will open at 5:30pm), open seating
Where:  Kirkland Family Church
            10489 NE 52nd St
            Kirkland, Wa 98008

Tickets are on sale now!  Space is limited so purchase your tickets soon.

Adults- $12.00 ea
Children (2-12 years old)- $8.00 ea
Family of 4- $30.00
Children under 2 are free.

As always, there will be yummy desserts and coffee served, along with some great music to kick off your holiday season.

CDs of the music will also be available to purchase at the concert.

This year, we will have a 5 silent auction items to bid on.  You may find the perfect Christmas gift for yourself or someone you love.

Any questions, please visit  

To order tickets, talk to anyone who attends Kirkland Family Church, or email

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Overseer's Insight: October 2011

Dear Saints:
During the month of September, Sister Shelly Symonds, State Youth Ministries Coordinator, sponsored the first ELITE weekend, a training seminar for those youth that are serious in wanting to learn more how to prepare for and fulfill the calling of God on their lives.  Bishop Knoblich taught on how you know you are called of God and how to be led by the Spirit.  Corey McBee taught some wonderful classes on prayer and the Word of God.  Sister Shelly gave some instruction on the history, vision, and mission of the Church of God of Prophecy.  The young people seemed to glean a greater appreciation of what it means to be a member in our church.   
Overall, it was a great time of training and instruction.  On Sunday morning, each of the young people presented with a 3-5 minute message/testimony.  Sister Shelly relates, "they all did would have thought that they had been publicly speaking for years...their content was great and they had scriptures with their testimonies."  Sister Shelly further stated that the ELITE weekend was a tremendous blessing for her in being able to share from her heart with our future leaders.  The young people were thankful for the weekend of instruction and asked when the next one is going to take place.  Thanks to Sister Shelly for putting together a great weekend of learning and inspiration to our next generation of church leaders!
Pastor Appreciation Month
The month of October is known as "Pastor Appreciation Month."  The Bible tells us in I Timothy 5:17, "Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor."  Double honor literally means "double pay."  This is a month to honor our pastors and the parsonage family.  How can we double our support to them?  We can demonstrate that  in our acts of kindness, in our giving, and in our prayers.   So, let the Lord impress upon your heart ways to "doubly" honor your pastor.  Let us go beyond what is normal and truly make it a special month for your parsonage family.
Adult Retreat
This year, as in past years, Adult Retreat will be held at Pacific Beach.  The dates are for February 3-5, 2012.  Our Retreat Theme is: "Designed For God's Greatness."  All of us are part of a wonderfully designed plan of God.  We are expecting an awesome time in the Lord!  International World Mission's Director, Bishop David Bryan and his lovely wife, Sister Rosita will be our special guest speakers at this year's  Retreat!   They both are so excited  to be with us.  Applications have been sent to the pastors and have been sent out individually.  You can also download an application by going to the State Website at:
Applications should be sent in no later than November 30th, 2011.  This is going to be a Great Retreat!!!  Please don't miss it!!!  We look forward to seeing you there!!!
Regional Ladies Retreat
As you learned at State Convention, the Regional Ladies Retreat will be held at the Red Lion at the Quay in Vancouver, WA on November 4-6, 2011.  This is the Retreat that is directed by Sister Cathy Payne, International Women's Ministries Director.  So, ladies, mark this date on your calendars and get ready for a Fantastic Retreat!
Events Calendar for 2011
October                              Pastor Appreciation Month
October 27-30                   Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - Kirkland Family Church
                                                (Church and Community - Dr. Eliana Runyon)
November 4-6                   Regional Ladies Retreat (Cathy Payne) - Vancouver, WA
November 11-13               Pastor's Wives Retreat - Cannon Beach, OR
"Driven By The Spirit"
Bishop/Dr. Don Knoblich

"Men of Honor" Men's Conference 2011

“Men of Honor”
1st Annual Men’s Conference 2011
Sponsored by New Horizons Church

Come join us for “Men of Honor” Conference.
November 12th, 2011 at 10:00am
Special Speakers:
State Overseer Bishop Don Knoblich
Bishop Frank Smith
Pastor Lionel Bickham
(Spanish translation will be available)

Location: New Horizons Church 2349 Main St, Washougal WA 98671
Cost of the Event is $10.00 which will includes a catered lunch
Please RSVP by email to:

Thoughts of Receiving from God's Abundant Wealth

In 2 Corinthians 9, it states if you sow sparingly you will reap sparingly and if you sow bountifully you will also reap bountifully. If you give freely, God will supply your needs, physically and spiritually. Friends, you know members in this church and in your community who has given honestly and freely to the Lord and God gives them more and more. Perhaps you’re one of those people who have learned the reality and truth about being a steward of God’s unlimited riches.

It is like going to the blood bank and you give your blood, a precious commodity. In 36 hours, you have that blood back. Your body reproduces it. God returns the blood that you gave in approximately 36 hours. (This is a wonderful illustration- Please take note that there are approximately 10 pints of blood in the average human body!) That is the way it is with God.  He may not return your giving to you within 36 hours, but He will return it with interest. 

Remember the rich young ruler in Matthew 19:21 that came to Jesus and Jesus said go sell all that you have and give to the poor and then you could come. People hear that and say, you mean you have to give all your money away? No, I do not think that is what it is saying. What He was saying is that there is something between you and me and it is your money. 

There was a slave one time that was a great Christian and he gave testimony to his master. One day his master came to him and said, "Whatever you have I want. You have such peace and contentment and joy.  How can I get this?" The slave answered, "Go to your house, put on your white suit and come down here and work in the mud with the rest of us and you can have it." He said, "What are you talking about? I could not do that. I am the master and you are the slave. That would be beneath my dignity." He then walked away angered with his slave. A few months passed and he came back to the slave and said, "I cannot resist asking you again. What is it that you possess and how can I have this?" He said, "I told you. Go put your white suit on and come down and work with us in the mud and you could have it." And he was furious again and stomped away. Finally, in desperation, he came again. "I do not care what it takes," he said, "I have to have that assurance that you live in. I'll do anything." The slave said, "Go put on your white suit and come down. Will you do that?" "Yes," Replied the master “I will do whatever it takes.” The slave said, "You do not have to." 

You see the point? He knew what was standing between the man and Christ - pride.   And that is all Jesus is saying. Until you are detached from your money you are separated from God because you cannot serve both. Giving is a matter of attitude. Remember what Solomon said? What is new? Nothing! The system of giving is the same. We learn what we choose to learn. Where is your treasure? What is really important to you? Giving is sacrificial. It is not the amount. It is what it costs you to give. Even when there is little there is much when God is in it.

Carol Dillard
Stewardship Ministries

Adapted from a sermon by:
Rev. Fr. William Chiganos
Holy Apostles Church
Westchester, Illinois